I always have

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Jimin POV:
Finally, I was in my alphas arms. Currently we were hugging the damn life out of each other. I curled myself around hobi hyung and inhaled his scent.

The scent I loved so much, the one I missed so much. I held onto Hoseok hyung tightly because I was so tired and all I wanted to do was to be held.

The early morning birds were chirping and honestly for a day that we could sleep in on we were up super early.

My mind however, was clogged up and all I wanted to do was cry, I was getting the images again, of everything that happened and it was making me anxious.

Hobi hyung obviously felt that and he started to scent me. Then he kissed my forehead and spoke softly. "Jiminah...baby what happened to you? I feel your emotions they're sky rocketing".

I started fiddling with hyung's fingers and then spoke. "I'm remembering what Taemin did, I can't believe he was my ex and the fact that he came back to do whatever he did with me. I'm so lucky he didn't touch me and force himself on me. Otherwise hyung how would I show myself to you?"

Then I began to cry I sobbed loudly as we lay in our bed. Hyung was crying with me as he tried to calm me down. He never said anything because sometimes you just need to let it out. That's exactly what I needed to do. I needed to let it out.

"Jimin my love, I would still love you, why would you think that if he did end up forcing you I would leave you? You're my mate, my life line, my Jiminie. Don't ever think that way. I love you Jimin."

I smiled as I wiped my tears. I leaned forward so I was facing hyung and then I kissed his lips. It was a salty kiss because of my tears but then again we didn't care we just needed each other. We just needed to feel each other around. "I love you too hyung".

He smiled and then pulled me up. "Go take a nice bubble bath Jimin and then we will go downstairs. We can watch Jin hyung and probably Yoongi hyung cook breakfast."

I nodded and walked to the bathroom. I needed to relax now but I also needed to slowly start to leave what happened to me in the past. There's trauma and anxiety attached to it all but I will get through it. I always have.

I stepped into the bathroom and ran the warm water. I added my favourite bath bomb the 'Sakura' one from Lush. Then I added some bath salts and oils.

I slowly watched as the colours unfolded themselves and I gradually sat in the tub. I closed my eyes and let the warm water straighten up my still body. I was in pure bliss.

'Me time' is always needed. I sighed as I let the warmth consume me. No more Taemin and no more trauma.

Only my alpha and my hyungs. Along with Tae and kook.

Finally, I was back where I belonged.

I was home.

Hoseok POV:
As Jimin soaked in the bathtub I ran some errands. I changed the bedsheets to fresh silk ones...only the best for our prince right?

Then I picked up dirty laundry, that usually wouldn't be there but Jimin was tired and so was I so, last night we threw our clothes on the floor and put the pjs on as we rushed to bed. Do I really blame us? Nope!

We just came back after a kidnapping for gosh sakes!

I ran a hand through my hair then sighed. I was worried for Jimin he wasn't in the perfect state of mind. I could understand that though. I needed my Jiminie back and I was going to help him come back.

I walked towards the bathroom door and slightly knocked on it. "Baby hyung's going to go downstairs and see if the others are up okay? So you get dressed and meet me there my love". I heard a tiny "okay hyung". Before I smiled content, then I walked downstairs.

Loving you...Isn't always easy - soulmate au (Jinkook, Jihope, NamTaeGi)Where stories live. Discover now