28: Trust & Paparazzi

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  After two and a half hours, twenty one rounds of lazy river, and impossibly knotted hair that would cost me an hour in the bathroom and loads of Dove conditioner, although Louis insisted it looked gorgeous. He was definitely fazed, his eyes were droopy and he didn't speak much. And as for Harry, well, he seemed fine, although he insisted on spending time with me.

  "This music is so loud!" Louis groaned, raising a finger and pointing it at the speakers that generated the music in the water park, although it was anything but loud. Harry gave me a lopsided smile, holding on to me and Lou's hand tightly as people screamed around us, the sight rather overwhelming. Of course, I wouldn't admit that to Harry.

  "Excuse me!" Harry called out to the paps and randoms standing in front of the door to get out. I guess that meant an entirely different thing in their mind, because they swarmed up to us and got in our faces, and then umber of times a camera flashed at my face made me have to stop and rub my eyes.

  "Peasants, move aside!" Louis commanded as a few girls rushed to his side and began to scream. I couldn't help it, my face was a bit horrified as a number of girls yanked my hand away from Harry and all I could see were people and expensive camera equipment drown him out.

  "I'm sorry, please leave me alone." I begged, trying to duck out of their way, but it was as if they were a wall blocking me from leaving. The humidity in the air rose in a matter of seconds with the swarms of people like mosqutos hovering over me.

  "You and Harry, eh?"

  "Is it true you're 25?"

  "Are you Liam Payne's sister?"

  "How's it like being One Direction's little pet?"

  "Are you going to join the band?"

  "Are you aware of all of the media attention you get?"

  "Do you have a Twitter?"




  I raised my hands to my ears and squeezed my eyes tight as all of the people in my face got closer and closer, if that was possible. My eyes quickly scanned the crowd for Harry or Louis, but I was alone, it appeared. I was lost in a sea of strangers that reeked of desperation, willing me to speak a measly word to them. I felt as if any moment I would break down into tears, the walls of people were becoming so tight it was nearly intoxicating.

  "Please, let me leave. I have to go." I demanded, breaking through a wall of cameras and smiling in satisfactory to myself, only to be bombarded with a million more cameras. Where was Harry? Did he really just leave me?

  "Just answer one question, Darcy!" Someone screamed in my ear. I glared at them fiercely and knocked the heavy camera away with the back of my hand, which was probably going to bruise by tomorrow. I didn't even care, I just wanted to get out.

  "Stop it! All of you, get away!" A voice screamed. It was funny how I could pick out this particular voice among all of the others, which seemed like a low hum. But it was his voice, my Harry's voice, that rang clear through my mind like a Christmas bell. My head snapped to the side as I caught a glimpse of it, and soon he had charged through the people and grabbed my hand, holding on tightly and not letting go any time soon.

  "... so sorry, I'm so so so sorry Darcy, I'm so..." I could hear him murmuring as we broke through the crowd, finally swinging the doors open and emerging into the fancy decorated hallway that had a cheap red carpet drenched in water. I couldn't really take in my surroundings, because soon we were breaking out into a sprint and spinning around corner after corner, away from the chaos we left behind.

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