Authors note

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Hello all! I'm currently rewriting this fic, and it will be published on archive of our own. A lot will change about it, grammar and spelling wise, as well as in regard to the plot. I will be slowly working through it, so updates will be posted in installations. wattpad has become far too for profit for my liking, and so my future long fics will be more likely to be posted on ao3. Thank you guys for sticking with me through this transition!

My ao3 account where this will be updated is gardenerofstars, here is a link to it as well. Other fics I write in the future will be available there, as well as this one.  Also, I'm on Tumblr under the same username, where I can be reached easily for any questions you might have for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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