Chapter 39

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The next morning came quicker than expected. Tris felt the pressure all last night and didn't even get four hours of sleep. She got out of bed at five that morning, and walked out of her dorm room to the common room downstairs to get some coffee. When she got there, she saw George was already there and was sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace with a cup of tea already in his hands.

When she got to the last step, she rubbed her eyes and tried to be quiet so that she wouldn't ruin George's intense thought. She knew he had a lot on his mind, and didn't want to ruin what he was thinking so hard about. When she walked off of the last step, the wooden floor creaked underneath her and made a loud sound.

She had her oversized hoodie on with the hood on her head, but when she looked at George, she could no longer see anything because the hood fell over her eyes. She started laughing quietly as she froze and heard footsteps walking up in front of her. She felt warm hands grip the sides of her face and before she knew it, she felt warm lips press up against hers.

"Good morning, beautiful." George said as they broke away from their kiss. "Morning, love." she responded back. She then smiled up at him and took the hood off from her head so that she could look up at him and actually see him this time.

"What were you thinking about?" she said as he walked back over to the sofa with her hand in his. "It's nothing love, I promise. You know how I just get caught up in my intelligent mind sometimes." he said. She chuckled as she buried her face into his jumper that he was wearing. "What's so funny? You don't think I'm intelligent?" he asked. "No you're very intelligent. When you wanna be that is." she said as she chuckled once again.

"Oh is that so?" he replied. "Mhm." she whispered since she was still half asleep. "Fine, I'll let you get away with that insult, just this once." he said down to her. She smiled. "Mmk." she said back to him.

As George continued drinking his tea, he looked down and noticed that Tris had fallen asleep in his arms. He couldn't stop thinking about how cute she was, even with the little snoring she does when she's asleep. She also talks in her sleep, so he had to contain his laughter so that he wouldn't wake her up. He knew she needed sleep. She started to yell in her sleep, so George started stroking her head and whispering to her its okay. She eventually calmed down and slept a little longer.

Once she woke up, some of the other Gryffindors were now in the common room. When she sat up, George just smiled at her and didn't say a word. She smiled back and kissed his cheek before walking over to the little coffee table, and made herself a cup of coffee. After making her coffee, she headed up to her dorm room and got dressed in her robes.

"Are you guys alright?" Ginny said as her and Hermione were also getting dressed. "I'm fine, we're fine, why?" Tris said as she fixed her hair. "It's nothing really. You and the twins just seem really stressed out for the past couple of days. Not to mention Peter and Lucy keep going around school and telling others false rumors about you three." Ginny said.

Tris then looked down at her feet and tried to think of an excuse. She couldn't tell them what was happening. They needed to focus on calming Harry down before the next task that would be occurring later that night. Plus, she couldn't add more people in danger.

"oh yeah, we're just- failing our herbology class." Tris said. "Failing? I thought Neville was helping the twins study for that class?" Hermione said. "You know the twins. They never listen." Tris said as she went back to doing her hair. "And you never fail a class. You're good at every single class and there's no way you could-" "Ginny, it's fine. Don't worry about it okay. Things will be fine." Tris said as she smiled over at Ginny and Hermione.

"Okay, well, hurry up, we're gonna be late for breakfast." Ginny said smiling back at Tris as she headed for the common room. Hermione was still suspicious about her weird behavior but didn't question her anymore that morning about it.

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