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When George awoke the young blond female was gone.

He walked around the house looking for the blond gangster but to no avail.

He sighed and assumed he was out doing business.

The house was silent and he didn't like it.

He decided that he wanted some fresh air to wake him up so he walked outside to the huge green backyard that over looked the beautiful beach. He walked down the small path that led to the beach. He stepped onto the warm sand and let it move between his toes.

This place was so peaceful.

The smaller walked to the shore line and let the waves rush onto his feet.

The morning sun felt so good on his skin.

He stepped back a bit so the water wouldn't touch him and sat down.

He pulled his knees to his chest and looked out into the ocean.


As he looked out into the sea the heat of the sun felt like a Warm blanket and before he knew it he was fast asleep.

Dream walked through the door and stretched his arms.

He decided to drive his sister home so she didn't have to take a bus all the way back.

He looked around expecting to see his brunette boyfriend somewhere but he didn't.

"Baby?" He said loudly.

He looked through out the house and couldn't find him.

A small part of him began to panic.

He felt his heart still when he noticed his lover on the beach.

He let out a sigh and began to walk outside.

It felt amazing.

He approach his lover and noticed he was fast asleep.

Dream wanted to scold him for being reckless and sleeping outside but he couldn't because the smaller looked so peaceful.

The blond sat down behind his lover and wrapped his arms around his waist.

George slowly awoke when the familiar scent of his lover filled his nose.

"Sleep well?"

George only nodded at his boyfriends words, he was still half asleep.

"I'm hungry." The brunette said with a tired voice.

Dream couldn't help but laugh.

"Ok then how about we go grab some food?"

George smiled In excitement.

The couple walked into a buffet style restaurant, nothing fancy but it's what George was craving.

"I'll go get a table and you go ahead and start getting food." The blond said as he light kissed the smaller's head and walked off.

George grabbed one of the warm white glass plates and scanned his eyes on the trays of food.

As he reached for pasta he felt something ram into his leg.

He looked down at an adorable little black hair boy.

The child looked with a smile.

"Sorry mister!" He said with a sweet voice.

George couldn't help but smile.

"You are very pretty sir." The little boy said.

George giggled and thanked the smaller child.

"Jack watch were you are going! you are gonna make the young man fall." A male voice spoke.

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