Chapter 46

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"Suradej Patong. Jay Patong."

Max's sharp, dark eyes stared right into Suradej's own beady, emotionless ones. Max's finger on the trigger of his pistol ready to fire at any sign of resistance from the mafia leaders. Behind Max, Commander Por, Inspector M and a dozen officers stood with their guns pointed at the two criminals.

"Based on the evidence collected by the special investigation team, we shall arrest you by law. You are charged with operating a criminal organization including human trafficking and drug trafficking."

Suradej stayed unmoving in his seat. Ever so calm and composed.

Jay, on the other hand, never bothered to hide his emotions as he stood fuming by his father's side. Eyes wide and glaring, his fists clenched and he seemed ready to attack the officers before them.

Attack Max would be the first thing he would like to do.

Commander Por moved next to Max while Inspector M and two fellow offices moved forward putting Suradej and Jay in handcuffs.

"You will also be charged with, at least, two attempted kidnapping, assault and harassment." Por growled, not being able to help himself.

He will make them pay for causing harm to his son.

He had been waiting for this day for years.

Inspector M and the two officers pulled Suradej and Jay out of the office. Suradej stayed calm and composed while his son looked ready to explode, face twitching with anger and yanking his arms away from the officer who had a hold on him. Not that he could go far if he escaped.

Suradej passed the Commander and in that brief moment, their eyes met. Something about the way Suradej stared at him sent ice cold shivers down his spine and Por found himself holding his breath.

Jay passed Max, not hiding his fury from the detective. His eyes wide and glaring daggers, his jaw twitching as he clenched his teeth.

"I'll fucking get you, Max." Jay swore through gritted teeth. 

Max didn't know what could happen after this. All he knew was that the Viangpha Mork police station, his team in Bangkok had pulled out everything they've got to make sure they got to see this day.

When the back door of the police car closed, Max finally released the breath he had been holding. In the car, Suradej had stared ahead while Jay's gaze on him never strayed until the car drove off.

Commander Por and Inspector M stood by Max's side, watching the car drive off escorted by four police cars. They could never be more prepared when it came to the Patongs.

Max felt the firm grip of the Commander's hand on his shoulder.

"Let's go home, Max."


A smile effortlessly appeared on his lips.

He wanted to go back home to Tul.


It had been months since Max's return to Viangpha Mork.

It wasn't easy.

Max had to stay hidden while working out a way to finally arrest Suradej and Jay with the help of both his Bangkok team and Viangpha Mork police. Pat contributed tremendously with the evidence he had collected over the years, finally finding trust in Max and the Commander.

At the same time, he watched over Tul and made sure no harm came to the younger man.

Regaining Tul's trust was the hardest part. Tul was always on edge whenever he couldn't reach Max or when his lover came home later than he said he would. Max had promised he wouldn't leave Tul again and he meant it. Leaving Tul was the worst decision he had ever made and he was still paying for it.

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