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Hello everyone, hope you all are staying healthy and safe during these times. 2022 is certainly going to be a busy year for me! Thank you so much for your patience an waiting, hopefully you are all still enjoying Queen B.

This took a quite a bit of thought for me for the performances, so hopefully I have done a good enough job for all of you!

Here is the next chapter!


Elegant and luxurious.

Those are the two words which come to mind when entering the Belvoire campus for its Open Day.

Belvoire have been preparing for the Open Day for a whole now, and one felt it was already set up three days ago but obviously the private University had other plans for its preparation. It is almost astounding on how the University was transformed in the last three days. Going to class was almost like walking through a museum with priceless exhibits and areas with how delicate the university was being presented.

Belvoire is by no means a shabby looking university. The wealth of it comes off in intense waves, likely due to the rich clientele who send their own children to the University for the best education that Seoul had to offer.

And while it looked pretty on the outside, it still can't hide the ugly internal network.

While the rich kids have been obnoxious as is all year, its seems that Open Day has reminded them just how much socially superior they are to the poor students and there has been a surge of incidents consisting of rich kids and poor kids. Lisa recalls quite a few she has in seen in the past three days, some that she even stepped in to try stop with how ridiculous or cruel it was becoming.

Most notably, Irene has been the insinuator most of the time, along with newbie Queen B, Tzuyu Chou. Lisa doesn't know what has crawled up Irene's ass and died but she has been throat cutting for a while now, even more so than Jennie usually is as the brunette has been focusing a lot more on her solo performance than reminding Belvoire students of her social superiority. Lisa doesn't know what it is that is on Irene's mind, but the black-haired beauty has become a downright pain for everyone in Belvoire.

She has become petty almost in a sense, taking her frustrations out on any poor student who walks past her. Some of the incidents that she has involved in even make from the most innocent of gestures, such as sneezing when someone was walking past her. Even her friends looked at her on confusion when she started a fight with a poor student again, Yeri and Joy looking at Irene in concern the one time when she was completely ripping apart a first-year couple who were having a picnic outside at one of the benches before Irene all but climbed into them.

"Just what the hell is wrong of you? Just why do you have to barge in and ruin everyone else's' day just because you are having a shitty one? What's the matter? Wake up alone on the wrong side of the bed?"

While being glared at by Irene is nothing new that Lisa has experienced, she couldn't help but notice the slight tremble which Irene on her lips. While she has expertly mastered a cold mask for the public, Lisa couldn't help but believe that she saw a crack in it as her eyes fluttered rapidly and she swore that she saw tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

But whatever supposed tears that Lisa saw quickly disappeared as Irene all but scoffed and stormed away from the scene, leaving behind flustered friends as they looked at Lisa and back at Irene before quickly following after her, not even bothering to give their own final quips to the crowd or participants in the incidents.

Irene was acting out of sorts, and nobody had an idea of why she was acting the way that she was. Lisa had tried asking Jennie the one night when the two of them met up for a little movie date in the blonde's room on why her best friend was acting far bitchier than usual, but Jennie was very tight lipped about it.

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