Get your shit together

453 36 14


Nope, no just no. Please just let it be a coincidence.

Not knowing what to say except for that, you still look outside only to see white, pure whiteness nothing that gives a glimpse of green.

The trees are bearing no leaves or fruit, only naked branches on the top. The scary thing about some of them? There are frozen and crystal-like ones among them scattered around. It looks like you are in the middle of a forest.

Holding your skull with your hand, you remember creating them once. The Frozen trees are just layered over with ice, unlike the Ever trees.

Yup very creative names, just like Asgore, it could be worse.

Ever trees are easy to distinguish against the normal and frozen ones, instead of wood they are grown fully out of ice crystals, it sounds weird but the normal seeds that were solidly frozen survived with some magic.

Magic... the life of most things out here.

Shit, that crosses the coincidence part and marks the one with the big fat exclamation part on top:
It's your Au have fun!
You get the feeling that it won't be fun.

Fuck did you just got reincarnated in your own AU that still wasn't finished? The only thing in this story you ever finished was the environment, animals, and both Kingdom's relationships but you don't know what will happen to you or anyone.

There is more to it, you know it but your head is still hurting from remembering too many details in one go. You should go take a nap with papyrus and hope your memories are clearer or sorted out. After that, you can think about what to do next or whatever shit is being thrown at you.


Waking up to something slapping your face, you open your eyesockets only to see small Papyrus doing this to you.

"I think someone is hungry eh?" you smile at him. Getting up you prepare his food and feed him, while you are doing that, you think of what to do next, and good thing your head isn't hurting anymore.

First up, finding some food, you just hope there is wildlife out there that are easy to hunt.

It should be the most important thing right now, you can't continue feeding papyrus if you are out of magic and have no food to regenerate. Sure you can replenish it while resting and sleeping but that won't help in the long run, and what if you are starving, it wouldn't be good.

But why is Dad still not back? Wait you got a Dad?...


Sans I'll be off to work, don't forget that there is food below the hatch under the mattress if I am still not back.

Okay Dad, please take care of yourself this time.

He chuckles "Of course Sans, it was just that one time" saying while petting your skull.

You pout at him and try to duck under his hand "I mean it Dad!"

"Sure, sure" he smiles at you, "You know how to feed Papyrus and what to do if I am not back after a week?"

Nodding at him you answer him "Yes I know how to do it and if you are not back after a week then I should stay hidden in this house since it has a magical barrier against cold"

"Good Sans, then I will be off to work" he hugs you and makes his way to the door.

"Bye dad!" you wave at him.

He turns around for the last time and smiles fondly.

《Flashback end》

Focusing back, you see that Papyrus is done eating and wiggles in your grip.

So that's why it isn't cold in here, there is a barrier holding out the cold, and Dad just left yesterday in the morning, while you got the memories of your previous life before the sunset.

Standing up with papyrus you try to lift the mattress with one arm to look for the hatched and look and behold, you found it.

Pushing the mattress aside you open the hatchet,  just like in your memories inside there is food.

Well, what you call food since there are only ration bars inside, it's not like you know how they taste but even if those are bad tasting it is still food. You should split them up, for now, it's not like you know when Dad comes back. Maybe you can convince him that you could try out hunting after you learned about magic, well you will see after the week is over and he's still not back.

You hope he comes back.


It's been four days since you got your memories back from your previous life.

You noticed that papyrus is quite the eater. He eats more than a normal baby, so you just think it's a skeleton thing.

After every feeding time, you trained yourself to feel the magic inside you.

It didn't take long to familiarize, maybe a day and adding a few hours but that's it.

You did think about other ways to use magic, like how Bats do it with their echolocation but not only animals some Humans can do this shit to. So why not train it it's not like you could've do something except to play and feed Papyrus, oh and let's not forget waiting.

While trying to get a grasp of the echolocation the door that was closed suddenly opened and a loud "I am back Home boy's!" came after it.

You felt a spark of happiness before it evolved to an annoyed, angry one. You hear papyrus start to cry. Taking the nearest item that lies around you, you throw it with all your might at your so called father.

It hit him square in the face with a loud 'ompf' and would of hurt him if it wasn't an old sock of yours. At least you hit him so that's a point for you.

"Sans, why are you throwing at your poor old man with socks?" he lifts one end of the sock up to look at you while the other is still on top his skull.

"well maybe this 'poor old man' just happens to come very late back and made Paps cry" you look at him sternly for a moment, then at Papyrus changing to a worried with a small frown look and whisper "I thought something bad has happened..." you trail off.

Never in your life would you think about caring for your father. It is weird but you don't feel awkward about calling him Dad, your previous one was a shitty ass, he was just greedy for money and never cared, but Gaster?

He is nice and cares for you and Papyrus he tries to come back faster when he goes out. It's like the roles are reversed, in your past you only had a mother but here only a father. The sibling role is switched too now you are the older not the younger. At least mom isn't alone...

You come back to reality when someone hugs you. "Please don't cry sans, I am sorry for coming back late. My work didn't let me go and if I did something suspicious then others would notice. I don't want them to know that I have the two of you"

Only when he said it you notice the tears streaming down your cheeks, you try to wipe them away to no avail.

Being careful not to squish Papyrus, you one arm hug him back. He pets your skull until you stop crying, letting a few stray sniffles out and both of you stay like that for a while with Papyrus between babbling.

"Dad?" "Yes my son?" You crane your neck to look up "Can you teach me magic?"

"Hm... it would be finally time to learn magic"

You want this to stay forever but something tells you that bad things will happen someday.

You enjoy it while you can...


I was contemplating to add Dadster and hey here he is!

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