Book 1 Ch 8: Guess I'll Die

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As Tenzin approached the Temple, he saw Meelo and Ikki sitting in the front of a new Sato Mobile sent from Tarrlok for Korra.  Tenzin then looked over to see Korra training, and Y/N talking to her as she did so.  So, Tenzin went over, and decided to talk to her about the situation.

"I see that Tarrlok's gifts are becoming more and more extravagant every time."  Tenzin said.

"Tell me about it.  He never got me these types of gifts whenever he pressured me."  Y/N said, earning a small scowl from Tenzin.

"What?  I would have still said no, but it would have felt nice to be really wanted."  Y/N said.

"Yeah well, that guy just doesn't no how to take no for an answer."  Korra said as she trained.

Tenzin could obviously see that something was wrong, so he decided to confront her about it.

"Korra, are you feeling alright?"  Tenzin asked.

"Yeah, I'm feeling fine."  Korra said.

"Hmm.  Y/N, could you please give me some alone time to talk with Korra?"  Tenzin asked.

"Sure thing.  I've got stuff to do anyway."  Y/N said as he walked away.

And so, Y/N walked away from the area, and quickly asked Korra a question.

"Hey Korra, do you want that S-Mobile?"  Y/N asked to which Korra chuckled.

"Nah, you can have it."  Korra said.

"Thank you very much."  Y/N said as he got in.

"Are we going on a ride?"  Ikki asked.

"Maybe another time squirt.  I've got some business to attend to."  Y/N said.

"Is it about Genji?"  Meelo asked.

"No, her and her dad are taking the day off, so I'm just off to do some personal exploring."  Y/N said as the two kids got out of the S-Mobile.

And so, Y/N set out on his journey.  Once he got out of the sight of people, he reached into his bag, and quickly put on his Mushi Mask.  He then removed his overcoat, to reveal a high ranking Equalist suit.  He removed the bandages around his arms to reveal the equipment that was given to him.  Once he had shown up to the place he was told to go, he stopped the Mobile and hid it where no one but the other equalists could see.  He then left the Mobile, and walked through the back door, that led to a room with Amon and the Lieutenant.

"Ah, Mushi, glad you could make it.  And 5 minutes early."  Amon welcomed.

"I prefer to be early, rather than late."  Y/N said with a bow.

"That is a good quality to have my friend.  Now then, shall we address the new recruits?"  Amon asked, as he looked out of the window of the office, that showed about 55 new equalist recruits.

"Yes sir."  The other two said.

"Good.  Let's begin."  Amon said.

This was a daily thing that the equalists would do.  Train new recruits, and get rid of those who were deemed useless.  All was going good, Y/N was teaching the new recruits Chi Blocking, when all of a sudden, Amon called out to him.

"Mushi, there is something urgent I need to you to deal with."  Amon said.

"Continue those movements a few more times, and then we will test the abilities."  Y/N ordered.

"Yes sir!"

Y/N walked up stairs, and entered Amon's office, who had a serious tone in his voice, more serious than usual.

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