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Hey! Hi! I'm an ass, I know, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Who decides not to update for over five months? Definitely not me because I didn't. I was swamped with so much school work and I couldn't find the time to write at all but, hey, I updated and I will update again next week and try to make up for my absence. I know you've missed my babies, Eva and Axel, I missed them too 😭 so I'll leave you to read now. Also, I lost my Instagram account and I'd really appreciate it if you could follow the new one. It's @/_hanteros with an underscore before the name. Thank you, ily <3


"Pucker up, asshole."

I blinked. And blinked again just to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me because what the hell was I seeing? I have never had reason to question the efficiency of my vision before. It was at least 96 percent accurate. But apparently, the 4 percent was coming in hard today. Because...

"What the fuck?"

More accurate words could not have been uttered at that moment.

"Pucker. Up."

"Yeah. I heard you the first fucking time. What I don't understand is why you're telling it to me."

"I'm going to kiss you. Isn't that obvious?"

"You're out of your damn mind." Henri scooted back and away from Axel at lightning speed, like his ass was on fire. Axel followed quickly, closing the distance between them.

The room was pin-drop silent and if I had to guess, everyone was asking similar questions in their mind; 'Was Axel actually going to kiss Henri?' 'Was Axel crazy enough to go through with it if Henri let him?'

Axel seemed pretty intent on getting that kiss and not a lot of people knew, but when Axel got serious like that, nothing could dissuade him from whatever it was he wanted to do. And as for question two, yes, in fact, Axel was absolutely crazy enough to kiss Henri.

Now the million dollar question was; why didn't he just pick a girl?

Majority of them were more than willing to kiss him and even if he by chance picked someone that didn't want to kiss him, I was sure it still wouldn't be an awful experience for them. To be very honest, if I wasn't mistaking, I saw about four girls sit up straighter when he got dared, hoping he would pick out one of them. Pathetic.

Mhm. Sure it is, Eva.

"It's just a kiss, man." Axel snapped, seemingly growing impatient. "Grow the fuck up."

He was annoyed at Henri for refusing to kiss him? Was he insane? I mean, I knew the answer to that question. But WAS HE INSANE?

I tried to put myself in Henri's shoes. How would I react if, for example, Laura tried to kiss me? It was totally something she would do and it was too easy to picture her doing it. At a game like this, with everyone watching, I think.....

I think I would have no choice but to let her kiss me.

And then maybe die later.

Henri turned to his friends at the other side of the room, sitting close to each other. "Is he seriously trying to kiss me?"

Vaughn stared at him blankly. Alex simply cocked a brow.

The universal sign for 'You're alone in this'. They couldn't have made a clearer picture, had they tried.

Henri turned back to Axel, glared at him for a solid three minutes—the latter stared at him unflinching—then closed his eyes, resigning himself to his fate. Axel leaned into him, effectively closing all distance between them. We wouldn't be able to see anything if they hadn't positioned themselves in such a way that everyone had a direct view of them.

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