chapter 19

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A/n pov:

Time skip~

It was Saturday morning and today tae and the Twins were getting ready to go shopping with Lisa, jin, Jennie, aera and jimin for the evening party. At first, Lisa and Jennie decided to have a small party, just for tae and the boys but then Mr Min Yong-sun and Mrs Min si-woo decided to join since they didn't attend the wedding so they decided to have a grand party.

Tae: Mom why are you so stubborn huh?

Tae was pouting since his mom told him that she won't come with them to shop.

Yuna: Tae!!! Baby, please I want to watch this.

Yuna told pointing at the tv where she was watching her favourite show.

Tae: You can watch it later when they re-telecast it.

Tae said but yuna was so much into the show. So she shook her head. Tae signed in defeat and shook his head.

Tae: Then wear whatever I buy you old woman.

Tae said making yuna gasp.

Yuna: oh oh young man if I come with you for shopping they will ask if I'm your younger sister or elder sister.

Yuna said flipping her hair.

Tae: Dream on mom.

Said and stomped his feet like an angry pup. Yuna just giggled at her son and went back to her show. Tae walked back to the twin's room and knocked.

Ye-jun: Two more minutes Oppa!!!

He heard ye-jun shout from inside. This was the 3rd time he was hearing that. He knows his devils will take time to get ready.

Tae: No problem ye-junie take your time I too have to get ready.

Tae said getting a yes from both of them. After that tae went to his room to get dressed, as he was deciding his clothes he got a call from his sweet bunny.

Jungkook: Hey baby are you going out today? Jin hyung said he was going out with you.

Jungkook asked as soon as he picked up the call.

Tae: yes kookie, Jin hyung, jimin hyung, Lisa noona, Jennie noona, aera noona and Twins all are going.

Tae said as he was looking through his cute little wardrobe,

Jungkook: Then I'm coming along with Jin hyung!!!!

Jungkook said excitedly,

Tae: what Really!!

Tae asked with big eyes.

Jungkook: How would I miss a chance like this, of course, I'll come along. I want to be fed with some good sweets.

Jungkook said. Tae could hear the smirk in Jungkook's voice.

Tae: kookie!!!! You naughty bunny. You were fed enough yesterday.

Tae whisper shouted.

Jungkook: you think that was enough??? Not fair!!!

Jungkook complained.

Tae: yahh you muscle bunny!!! You chewed on my lips for 15 minutes and still, you aren't satisfied? My lips are still swollen you rabbit!!! And we almost got caught by yoongi hyung, Aish!! You better don't come if you are not going to behave!!

Tae scolded making koo pout. He just wants to be fed well.

Jungkook: but you still love to feed me.

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