chapter 28

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We are currently on our way to Newfoundland. Over the course of a few weeks, my morning sickness hit me hard. As always, Dana is useless. It was hard to still take care of Eva and having to vomit nonstop. I haven't told my mom or sister that I'm pregnant, I'm planning to tell them when I arrive.

Ryujin didn't change how she treats or speaks to me. She's still caring and sweet. She did randomly ask me for my address and without thinking I gave it to her. I found out why she wanted my address when I randomly got flowers delivered to me and some stuff to help with my morning sickness.

I asked her how she got me medicine and foods that help with morning sickness. She said that she called the local flower shop near my house to order the flowers and begged them to get the other stuff for me. She said she had to give them a pretty big tip but it was worth it. I was grateful but I still scolded her.

Her gesture made my feelings for her to grow stronger though. The fact that she thought about calling the flower shop to buy me stuff is funny.

I did start my new job too that Dana's mom got me. I still work at night because Dana still has his job in the morning so he's been watching her at night and complaining how hard it is to put Eva to sleep.

I also think that Dana is cheating on me. One day I found a pair of jeans in our room. It wasn't mine since it was too short for my legs and it was bigger around the waist. I didn't call him out on it since I don't really care but maybe I can use it as a reason when he tries to stop me again from breaking up with him.

We make it to make it mainland so we now have a long drive until we reach my house. Dana is already complaining while I feel discomfort in my body because of my pregnancy.

The only thing that's making me feel somewhat at ease is I finally to get to see Ryujin in a couple of days. I think no matter what happens, whether or not Ryujin wants to be with me, I'll be leaving Dana for good.

I'm thinking about breaking up with him here and not going back with him. I packed everything that's essential to me and Eva so if we stay we would be all set. It wasn't my plan but just in case I prepared everything.

I decided to sleep in the car ride because I don't want to hear Dana complain about every little thing he sees. Usually the closer we get to my house, the more he complains on how much he doesn't want to be there.

When we arrive, he wakes me up. I get out of the car and is greeted by my mother right away.

She helps me with my bags because Dana didn't bother but at least he got Eva out of the car.

"Is Karina here?" I ask.

"Not yet. Her and Travis should be here later."

"Everything okay? You look more exhausted than usual" my mom ask.

"I'm fine. I want to tell you and Karina at the same time" I say.

We walk in the house and I see Dana already sitting in the livingroom. "Where is Eva?" I ask.

"John has her" he says busy with his phone.

My mom goes to the kitchen and I follow her. "Are you and Dana doing okay?" My mom ask.

"Not really. I'm so tired, mom. Everyday I feel like I want to give up" I say grabbing a beer from the fridge.

"Is there someone else?" She ask.

I quickly look at her, "What?"

"Does he have someone else or you?" She ask.

"Both?" I say unsure thinking about Dana possibly sleeping with someone.

"Then it's best to break up. What's the point of staying together if you don't love each other?"

"He insists that he loves me but I don't think he does" I sigh taking another sip.

I didn't tell my mom that my someone else is a girl. I'm not sure how she would react and I want to make sure this thing with Ryujin will actually happen before springing the news on her.

I help my mom cook in the kitchen when I hear the door open and Karina's voice echoes in the room.

"What's up sister? I see you're still with deadbeat Dana" She says to me.

"I heard that!" Dana says.

"You say that every time but you never change so it's your name" Karina points out.

"Where's Travis?" I ask.

"He's getting our bags out of the car and taking it to our room. I see your bags are still in the living room" she says loudly so Dana can hear.

I laugh because I know what she's trying to do. She's not a fan of Dana and I can understand it.

"Since you're here, I have something to say" I start. They both look at me curiously.

"I'm pregnant" I say right away.

My mom gasps while Karina is unsure how to react.

"So there's no chance of you leaving Dana?" My sister ask.

"What?" I say.

"You're having another kid with him so that means that you still want to be with him" she says now sitting next to me.

"Can we go to your room to talk privately?" I ask instead.

"Am I not allowed to know?" My mom ask.

"I'll tell you some other time mom" I say dragging my sister out of the kitchen to her room.

I sit my sister down on her bed. I start pacing around the room, feeling nervous about how I'm gonna tell her about Ryujin.

"I'm gonna say something but let me finish talking before you ask questions okay?" I tell my sister.

"Okay?" She says unsure.

I tell her the story of how Ryujin and I met. How I thought she was a guy then I found out she's a girl. How I like her even after finding out she's a girl. How I think I love her and how we plan on meeting in a couple of days.

"Wait wait. She's coming here? And you're gay?" She ask.

"I'm not sure if I'm gay or if I just like her. I don't find other women attractive. Just her. And yes she's coming here."

"I'm coming with you" She says.


"You met this person online. She might hurt you" She says now standing up, facing me.

"Okay fine you can go. But I'm planning on breaking up with Dana. If things work out with her, are you okay with me dating a girl?" I ask nervously.

"As long as she treats you well. I'm good with anything. Just make sure she's not a female version of Dana."

I hug her right away feeling relief, "Thank you."

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