chapter thirty seven.

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By My Side- INXS.
For the story, it's by Hot Mess.



It dripped down my body like an ice cream cone left under the sun. Beads of it graced my stomach and the back of my neck, I wiped it away, just for it to appear again.

I groaned, sprawling my legs further on the grass so that they lay completely flat. I was hyper aware of the knots from my bikini top sitting uncomfortably on my skin, the amount of sunblock I had on didn't help either. Getting more annoyed by the second, I wiggled around trying to focus on something else, anything else, though my jaw felt too tense as I absentmindedly clenched it tighter.

The aviators I wore darkened and I knew my path to the sun had been blocked, opening my eyes only to roll them immediately, seeing the golden figure of Harry with his legs parted and standing with either foot planted by the sides of my hips. He was grinning, smiling down at me and all I could focus on were the sweet small colourful beads around his neck.

Shoving the soothing voice of George Michael from my ears that had been coming from my walkman, I leant up on my elbows and quirked an eyebrow, "Need you, need your help for a sec." He said, raking his eyes down my body as if I couldn't see them. I hadn't heard him approach and so I had no idea of where he had come from or what he could possibly blurt out next. And maybe he could see the confusion etched upon my face because he clarified, "Been workin' on some music, need you to listen to it and tell me what you think." My parted lips closed as I let out small "Okay, yeah, sure."

Harry stretched out his long arm, wiggling his fingers at me to take them as I stared at his awfully nice gesture. Though I did, I grabbed onto his slim but all knowing fingers and clutched tightly as I hauled myself up. "Thanks." I said softly. He walked ahead of me, the only material on his body being the shorts that hung low on his waist, I eyed his muscular back and felt my insides melt. I wondered if something could be so visually pleasing that the body would suddenly give out, because that was exactly how I felt right now.

"You feelin' shy and shit really doesn't need to happen, you know that Mae? I praise your pussy like it's my own god and I sucked your tits just last night." I audibly gasped as we made our way to the outside room, thankfully I was walking behind him because I couldn't have controlled my facial expression even if I'd tried, "Um, what- what does that have to do with... literally anything?" I questioned, my brows furrowing and eyes unable to meet his as he slid the door open and stepped aside, waiting for me to enter first.

I sent him a small 'thank you' nod and stepped inside the darkened room. The blinds were shut except for one to keep the room from overheating, and I looked around the room like I hadn't ever been in it before. Records were hung from the walls in various spots and I assumed it must have been done when Hot Mess relocated themselves here. I heard the door shut behind me and watched as Harry took a seat behind his set of drums.

He settled himself on the small stool, his legs too long and spread wide. "I can read you Mae, you tend to get all flustered when you're not running that dirty mouth, like you're almost too scared to talk to me whenever my face ain't between those thighs." I gasped again, this time completely aware of his eyes trying to find an answer in mine. "I do not." I scoffed, watching him shake his head, "I don't! I'm- that's just me, quiet by nature. I'm not scared of you." He waited to make sure I had nothing else to blurt out before he carefully spoke, "Ain't pickin' a fight with you cherry girl, I love that about you. Just means the words you speak to me are all the more special."

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