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"The Beginning of the End"

"The Beginning of the End"

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Tw- blood, death etc.



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Caelum LeFay was confused, absolutely and utterly confused, after all who wouldn't be when one moment they were senselessly snogging an arguably attractive sixth year in an abandoned classroom and the next moment being magically teleported to the Great Hall, and while he's only been to Hogwarts once before, he, unfortunately, has heard enough complaints from his godsister and the rest of his friends to easily recognize it. Although he did not get to have a proper look around before the only living LeFay had an armful of midnight-haired beauty to catch, and the familiar strawberry fragrance with a faint hint of cigarettes and broom-polish that most definitely belonged to a certain
daughter of Hecate hit his nostrils, making him relax instantly.

"Sky", surprised, the queen of Slytherin mumbled, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smushed her cheek against his.

"Hey there, Heaven", the headboy of Drumstrang softly replied against her hair as he adjusted his grip around her torso and picked her up for a bear hug, the two bestfriends swaying back and forth completely ignoring the people watching them in confusion.

"Amen," the sound of Adélard Dubois softly clearly his throat finally brought the two back to reality as they sheepishly pulled away from each other, as he along with the rest of the family watched them with fond exasperation, knowing the undeniable bond both of the godsiblings shared.

As Caelum skillfully ignored all the wands point at him and carefully glazed around the hall with his usual mask of indifference falling in place once again, his once warm crystal glasz eyes that were directed to his bestfriend and godsister visibly turning icy upon landing on the Greeks, and his posture, although barely noticeable, stiffened. But nevertheless gave a short yet respectful bow towards the Gods.

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