Chapter 9

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"Just a minute" Yelled Andrea as I called her through the locked door for the fifth time. She was starting to get late for her own ceremony and she doesn't even care.

"Andrea, in fifteen minutes the ceremony will start. You should be at your table by now." I yelled, knocking on the door. "Ok MOM!" She replied emphasising the word 'mom' with an annoyed tone.

"Finally!" I said as soon as she opened the door. She wore a long blue evening gown with  small sparkling moon-shaped crystal on  the thin sleeves, while I wore a red off shoulder dress that reached a few inches above my heels and exposing my back.

"You look stunning! Clark is already waiting at the table by the way." I informed her. Both of us descended the stairs slowly, making sure we won't slip with our heels on. Jacob was standing on the door looking gorgeous as ever, wearing a black suit and a tie. I smiled at him as he offered both of his arms for me and Andrea. The three of us headed towards the Pack's forest, where the ceremony will be held. Even in these modern times, every pack still needs a forest-like area since this is where most of the celebration and training will happen. So seeing a brightly lit stage and elegant tables in the middle of the forest is nothing unusual.

Giggles and chuckles can be heard as we approach the forest. Bright fairy lights hanging around the trees, kids chasing each other in cute little suits, and table and chairs covered in white fabric surrounded the area. Clark approached us and offered his arm to his mate. "Skywer!" Harry giggled as he skipped towards me, wearing a dark blue suit. "Harry!" I sqealed as I picked him up. "Where's your mom? did you escape again?" I raised one eyebrow at him. He shook his head a few times before pointing at the beta's table. "Mommy said she would let me sit with you if you let me. Can I Skywer! Can I sit with you?!" He asked excitedly. "Of course you can." I replied.

Our group sat on the very front table, Jacob on my right while little Harry sat on my lap as we wait for the sun to fall and for the moon to rise. If people didn't know who we are, we could be mistaken as a family of three.

Almost ten minutes have passed and Clark stood on the stage, with  Andrea on his side. "Sillus pack, as you all know, today is a special day as we finally welcome your Luna as part of this pack. Celebrating with us is Andrea's cousin, Alpha Jacob of Bennet pack together with Alpha Skyler of Riverstone pack." We earned greetings and warm smiles from each pack member, I smiled in return.

An elder slowly marched towards the stage, holding a small box with the pack's symbol. Each pack had their own way of passing down a position. This pack's own way is by passing down the pendant that was from the very first Luna. "On behalf of my beloved mother, the former Luna of this pack, I hereby declare Andrea Kostov as your new Luna!" Clark announced after he locks the pendant on Andrea's neck.

We cheered and applauded at Andrea."Let the dancing begin!" The beta announced as he signalled the musicians to play. Jacob invited me to a dance which I gladly accepted. We stood at the middle of the dance floor together with Clark and his mate and a few mated pack members. Jacob's hands held my waist while mine rested on his shoulders, slowly dancing with the music. As we danced, my thoughts remembered the questions I had for him, and this seems like a good time. As if he read my mind, he gave me a raised eyebrow. "Is something bothering you?"

I slowly shook my head no, and gave him a small smile. "I just want to know who Nicole is. Does she mean anything to you?" Staring directly into my eyes, he frowned a bit. "She's nothing to me. Her father introduced us to each other and later on offered an engagement I agreed to -but that was before met you. I called off our engagement earlier this year. "

A few pack members had started to shift, waiting for their Alpha and Luna to lead. I watched Andrea closely, making sure she won't get hurt when she shifts. Relief spread through me as she shifted smoothly into her dark grey wolf, close to Jacob's black wolf. I shifted after Clark, he howled as both him and his Luna led the entire pack. As guests, me and Jacob ran beside the beta, as the pack run is in order by position, the guests should always be at the back of the leader as a way of respect.

The run works by running through the entire territory. Those who can't shift yet, just like Harry, will wait at the forest till the rest of the pack comes back.

The feeling of the cool evening breeze reminded me of my first shift at my 13th birthday. My very first time shifting went as expected, I felt every part of my body burn for minutes that felt like hours. Slowly, my senses had heightened, hearing every heartbeat of my parents that was watching me from afar. Feeling every part of my body crack I heard the last snap and felt my paws touch the grass, white and grey fur around me.

I trailed into my memories that I didn't see where I was heading. In a split second, I stopped my tracks. My nose a few centimetres from a boulder. No one seemed to notice me except Jacob, he waited for me to catch up.

The pack run had ended with howls. Clark and Andrea went to shift, the rest of us were still in wolf form. Both of them stood on the stage, I caught a glimpse of the photo on Andrea's hands. She showed it to Clark who was tense. He kissed her lovingly. "Your Luna is pregnant with your future alpha!" He raised the picture, showing it to everyone. I howled together with the pack.

The celebration came to an end after dinner. Little Harry had already went home with his parents. The four of us were left at our tables, Clark and Andrea in their human form, while Jacob and I didn't shift back yet. "So you already knew this?" Clark asked through a group mind link, looking directly at me. I nodded already expecting some kind of mad expression. "You should've told me! What if my mate was hurt during the run!"

Andrea and I just laughed at him. Jacob agreed with him though, no humour was visible in his face. "I agree, if that was you Sky, I would lock you in a room if needed. He frowned a bit. "I can't bare to see you both hurt." Such an overreacting mate, just because we're women doesn't mean we can't handle ourselves. Doesn't me being an Alpha prove it?

"Let's go home, you should rest babe." Clark said, holding his mate's hand. All of us agreed. As soon as we came inside their house, we said our good nights and headed to our own rooms. I flopped on the floor, tired. I got lazy that I wanted to sleep in this form. Jacob lies down beside me, knowing that I wanted to sleep as a wolf.

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