Still goin

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Jax's POV

I can't believe he is back. I haven't seen him in 2 years, I can't wait to catch up with him. Everybody is in the living room watching tangled except Ace and Malcolm.

*BANG* everyone flinched except me and Jake. We are used to it. This use to happen all the time.

"It's been an hour. When are they going to stop?" Vincent asked.

"Oh this can go on for hours. I think the longest they went was about 7 hours maybe?" Jake replied

"I think it was 9 hours last time" I said.

" 9 hours!" Vincent said shocked

"Yea maybe Ace will go easy on him. I mean she hasn't seen him in 2 years" Jake said

"Never" Ace shouted running behind us. We all followed her with our eyes as she turned the corner. A couple minutes later Malcolm came running in and stopping behind us.

"" He said in between breaths.

Vincent was about to say something before I Interrupted "you know we can't tell you that".

He gave me that "come on man" face and I just shrugged my shoulders.

He took off in a light jog around a corner.
"Why couldn't we tell him?" Vincent said confused
"Rule 1 you can't tell the chaser where the runner went."
"Rule 2 you can't leave the state"
"Rule 3 you can't use any weapons"
"Rule 4 the chaser has to have you in a 5 second hold for the game to end" me and Jake switched off and on saying the rules.

"Why only 5 second? And why are there rules?"

"Do you want to take this one" I asked Jake.

"Sure. Well only 5 seconds because Ace can escape someone's hold easily. It used to be 10 seconds but like I said Ace can escape easily plus very quickly. There are rules because well rules 2-4 make it not impossible to catch Ace and rule 1 is just no cheating I guess." Jake finished

"Huh" was a Vincent said.

"GODDAMNIT ACE" we heard Malcolm yell.
A second later we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He entered the living room and fall down on the couch.

"She's gone" he said

"What do you mean she's gone" Vincent said confused and worried.

"Did she do it again" Jake asked. Malcolm nodded. Me and Jake started to laugh.
"What did she do" Vincent said

"I had her in the room and once I though I had her. She jumped out the window" this made me and Jake laugh even harder.

"It's not funny, we need to make that a rule. No jumping out of windows" Malcolm said annoyed.

4 hours pasted and we are moved to the movie theater so we don't make a mess in the living room. We put diamond to sleep and we have a baby thing to make sure she's alright. No sign of Ace, Malcolm has been chilling with us which is amazing. When Malcolm is around we always laugh until you can't breathe.

"Hey guys, I have food" A familiar voices said. We all turned around. Ace. She set the food on one of the counter. We all went running over.
Malcolm thought it was a good idea to go for her now.

He some how got behind her. I nudge Jake to make him look.
He was about to grab her but she grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder on to the ground. She bent down and kissed him on his head and then left.

He groaned and slowly got off the ground.
"I now remember why I stopped doing that before" he groaned out. When Ace flips you over her shoulder she does it with force. It hurts. When she found me and Jake, she made us train to learn how to protect ourselves. I got flipped over her shoulder so many time, I lost count after awhile. I had a huge bruise on my back because of getting flipped so many times.

Malcolm started to walk out of the room.
"Hey where are you going?" Axel asked

"I have to find Ace" he said

"Do you even know where she is going" Adam asked

"I think I do" he said with a small smile and left.

"That was like a movie scene right there" Andrew said. We all looked at him confused.

"You know like when the girl gets in the cab and the cab driver is like "where too?" And the girl is like "home I'm going home" you know" he explained. "Ohhh yeaa"

"Anyways what movie should we watch" Vincent asked.

"Umm you guys pick I'mma go check on diamond and use the bathroom"
Jake said

"No I want to check on diamond" me and Vincent said at the same time. We all looked at each other for a couple of seconds then took off running.


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