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Sophia sat in the flat and looked to see madison as she walked in, Sophia looked to her and sighed

"are you okay" Madison asked as Sophia sighed. Sophia knew how it was all a mess and she knew how scared that she was and how she had no idea over what to think

"I've been better" Sophia said as Madison sat next to her sister and smiled as she pulled her into a hug and smiled

"I know it's hard, I do but I am here for you whatever you are going to do" Madison said as Sophia looked to her and smiled

"I already know what I am going to do, I have been awake all night going over it in my head, knowing how scary it is thinking over how Freddie is gone and how Scarlett isn't even one yet, I am going to have an abortion. It's the best decision I can't bring a child into this world knowing I may never see Freddie again. It's not fair to this baby or to Scarlett" Sophia said as Madison looked to her sister and smiled.

She could see how much that she was struggling and she hated it "I know it's hard but no matter what I am here for you" Madison said

Sophia stood in the kitchen with Madison who smiled "so are you going to call him or just do it" Madison asked as Sophia looked to her and sighed

"and say what. I know you left us without warning but I'm pregnant and having a abortion is there anyway that you can come home" Sophia said as Madison looked to her and rolled her eyes

"well maybe not exactly like that, I will support you through this I mean you are my sister there is no word about it but I do think that you are making a decision by not telling him" madison asked as Sophia sighed

"I don't know it would be easy to tell me it would be I don't want or need easy. I need stable and that isn't Freddie, he left us mads not just me but his daughter we were meant to have a new life together and he left us as if we were nothing and it kills me to think about" Sophia said

Sophia knew how torn that she felt over it all especially with the likes of telling Freddie. Sophia knew that it was all a mess and how she had no idea what to do. She felt so confused over it all

Madison looked to Sophia as she lay asleep with Scarlett. Madison was worried over her sister and she felt as if she was making a mistake by not calling Freddie and telling him over the baby

Madison closed the door as she grabbed her phone off of the side and scrolled through her contacts as she got to Freddie and called it

"freddie it's me look you need to come home no one is after you and Sophia needs your your family needs you, she's going through something and she needs you" madison said.

Madison knew that she felt as if she was betraying her sister but she knew Sophia needed him

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