Chapter 5 - New Number

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I waited until long after night fall. I took one last look in the mirror at my male self and went to the door. I pulled out my lighter and held it up to the lock. After a couple minutes the lock was weak enough that with one hard pull, the door opened.

Alison: 'This is it... no turning back now.'

I started running throughout the corridors, hoping June would notice me. My goal was to get caught. I turned a corner and there she was, scowling at me with her arms crossed.

June: "Think you're pretty slick, don't you?"

She grabbed my wrists and stared deeply into my eyes. I stared back, mentally panicking, remembering that my eyes still look the same.

June: "You got some nerve breaking in here. Were you with those two punks from the other day?"

Rylan: "Uh-"

June: "What's your name?"

Alison: 'Come on! Stop stammering! Uhm... act like a boy... act like Honey!'

Rylan: "My name is Rylan and it's a pleasure to meet someone as beautiful as you."

Alison: 'Eeww... Can't believe I just said that to June of all people...'

She didn't recognise me after all. She seemed convinced I was a boy.

Alison: 'Heh, I knew that sixth sense rumour was bullshit.'

Keeping her stern expression, she looked around. Then, to my terror, pushed my back against the wall.

Alison: 'Uhh... what the hell is happening?'

She had pretty much her whole body pressed against mine.

Alison: 'Oh god! No- no she wouldn't!'

She was breathing heavily, and her cheeks were bright red.

Alison: 'Red flag! Red flag! Red flag!'

Her face leaned closer to mine.

Alison: 'For the love of might! Someone help meee!!'

She kissed me... passionately. She then backed away.

June: "*huff puff* Get moving."

She dragged me down the corridor.

Alison: 'Holy shit... June is a total slut!! Does she snog all the guys like this?! Did she... and Honey...? No! Don't think about that! It's over now... I'll be out of here soon.'

Rylan: "Hey, so... where are we going-?"

June: "Shut up, perv."

Alison: 'Like you're one to talk!!'

I soon figure out she's taking me to headquarters.

Alison: 'This is it. The final boss... Shin.'

June: "Warden. I found another boy roaming around my building."

Shin: "Oh for the love of-! There's no end to these ones! Good work for capturing him, Miss Eriksen. Was he with the boys from the other day?"

June: "I don't know for sure, sir. But that appears to be the case."

Despite what just happened, her voice was totally calm, and she wasn't even blushing anymore.

Two Faced - NANBAKA (Honey x OC)Where stories live. Discover now