Chapter 7 - Someone in Cell 5

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Around noon the next day...

Trois: "Honey, did you hear? We have a new neighbour."

Honey: "Oh yeah? Who?"

Trois: "I heard he got arrested for the same reason we did. He was at the women's prison too."

Honey: "What?"

Trois: "Yes. I only know all this because everyone thinks they were with us."

Honey: "The hell is this guy anyway? Was he following us?"

Trois: "Not sure. We won't know unless we ask him ourselves."

Honey: "You're not suggesting-"

Trois: "Let's go meet him!"

Honey: "No way! This isn't the sort of place to make friends, Trois!"

Trois: "*sigh* I know you're still upset about that lovely girl you met."

Honey: "...... You just had to bring her up."

Trois: "I'm sorry... But that shouldn't stop us from doing what we do best."

Honey: "Oh yeah? And what's that?"

Trois: "Why, being charming of course."

Honey: "Uh-"

Trois: "Let's meet our new neighbour."

Honey: "Heh... fine... I won't go looking for the guy but if our paths cross, I won't go out of my way to avoid him."

Trois smiled.

Trois: "I'll take it."

Two Faced - NANBAKA (Honey x OC)Where stories live. Discover now