Kinda Fixing Things

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You stared at yourself in the mirror.

You were not the same person who started this journey. You had changed on both the inside and the outside.

You tried so hard and got so far. But in the end, it doesn't even matter.

None of this training is worth it until you fixed things with both Buttercup and Blossom. You just needed to, you know, find a way to do that.

You took a deep breath before you sighed.

Y/N: This blows.

Jr: What happened?

You looked up and found Jr looking right at you through the mirror.

Liz was making herself a cup of coffee when you suddenly screamed.

You grabbed your chest and leaned against the wall as your heartbeat sped up. You took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

Jr: Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

Y/N: It's fine. Just...don't do that. Mandy got you a phone for a reason.

Jr reached into his pocket and pulled out said phone.

Jr: Eh. I don't understand these human devices.

Y/N: Aren't you half human?

Jr: That's besides the point. Tell me, Y/N, what seems to be the problem?

You just gathered yourself and walked back over to the sink. You turned the water on and started to wash your face.

Y/N: It's a long story.

Jr: Girl problems?

You eyed him suspiciously. As he rubbed his nails against his shirt.

Jr: Oh, yeah. I know all about those.

Y/N: I somehow doubt that.

Jr just frowned. He then stood up straight and looked at you.

Jr: You want my help or not?

You shook your head.

Y/N: Dude, I just met you. I don't even know what your whole deal is. Besides, I doubt you could help me.

Jr just shrugged.

Jr: Okay. But if you do, just find a mirror and say my name three times.

You just gave him a thumbs up. He then vanished.

You just had a conversation with a half demon who is now apparently your friend in your bathroom mirror about fixing things with your other friends who happened to be superpowered siblings that both harbored feelings for you while not knowing that you yourself are a super powered person who may be something known as a King who gets his powers from a demon named Aku.

This. Is. Your. Life.

Y/N: I hate myself.

Power Up!

You looked through your locker quickly and closed it. Just in time to. Blossom happened to be passing by.

You smiled when you saw your first chance to fix things. Good.

You fixed yourself and made your way over to her. Blossom opened her locker and grabbed the books she needed.

Y/N: Blossom, hey!

Blossom jumped at your sudden appearance.

She turned around to find you standing there with a smile. However, when she looked at you, all she could see was Buttercup's face of betrayal.

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