Chapter 13

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♥️♥️MY MISSING RIB♥️♥️♥️
CHAPTER 13.....

Sa'i Salamed and came in,Mai Martaba sat up yauwa Sa'i,He sat down Allah ya huci zuciyar Sarki meya ke faruwa ance mun Magatakarda ya shigo nasan he will disturb you.......

Sa'i wai shifa so yake Prince ya auri Daughter dinsa and ni gaskia i don't want that because i know who is magatakarda and Katuka they want this throne at any cost.....

And i wont let him do that Sa'i chimed in haba abun yayi yawa wanne irin abu ne since Father's demise fa ake abu daya haba,Ran Sarki ya dade permit me to summon the three of them immediately after Asma'us Wedding please.....

Mai Martaba nodded you are permitted but before then you should talk to them put some sense into their head please....

Calm down Mai Martaba Sa'i quickly said while standing up let me go to their chamber without notice after Princess wedding dole su fito da mata.....

On his way out he met Waziri,Waziri asked Sa'i hope dai lafiya naga Fada bata jima da watsewa ba Mai Martaba summoned me,Sa'i nodded well it must be about Magatakarda.....

Waziri hissed you mean they came here and met Mai Martaba?Sa'i nodded wallahi Waziri things are getting out of hand they won't stop....

Waziri nodded i know and we must take action but then i will love to see you after magrib Sa'i,Sa'i nodded ok i will be there you can meet Mai Martaba he is all alone......

Salman that came back was on his way to the Palace when Yarima called they talked and he dropped the Call,Mubarak was making call and Ayuba opened the door....

Sa'i came in Yarima was just coming into the living room while Mubarak quickly dropped the call,They all stood up and greeted Sa'i....

He sat down is Salman not back yet?They nodded Yes Baba Sa'i,Sa'i  ya janye rawani dake ga bakinsa yace to i am here to remind you about your promise Mai Martaba is anxious especially you Yarima....

Yarima cleared his throat Baba Sa'i just give me untill Asmahs wedding please i promise i will present her to you.....

Sa'i smiled to dama ba ina maku fada bane but you know Palace and the people that live in the palace they want the throne by every means so please brace up the three of you are our only hope.....

Mubarak chimed in insha Allahu Baba everything will be put in place but please Baba i have a request,Sa'i said i am listening Mubarak....

Baba please Salman and My Wedding should be after Yarimas wedding,Sa'i thought of something then nodded you must provide your reasons Mubarak because definitely Mai Martaba will ask of your reasons but i will still explain things to him....

Baba Sa'i thank you very much we really appreciate,They excort him and he sat down thinking of a way out,Yarima that was touching his phone did not say anything.....

Mubarak sight Yarima lets just tell Mai Martaba about her i know he will send elders and kaga from there we would know what to do,but this will not solve anything and kasan nobody in this family except for Mai Martaba married outside the family but still within Zuru Emirate and yours is outside the  Emirate entirely......

Mai Martaba inhaled deeply wallahi Mubarak i am confused but let's wait for Salmans return but i think Mubarak we should go and talk to her in person i am afraid what if her Mai Martaba send his people and her Father out of respect accepted and perhaps she have someone she loves.....

Mubarak nodded i don't think that should be a problem but at this point we must tell Mai Martaba that you have someone and you are ready and privately you can explain more to him.....

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