Episode 17

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The next day.

Location: Monster Island.

Gojira: Useless!

Gojira grab Caesar by the back of her head and slam her against the ground again and again. Breaking her face none stop.

Caesar: AKC!!!

Gojira: Pathetic Titan.

She charges her first with blue radiation and punch Caesar into her stomach.

Caesar: *cough blood*

Gojira: Out of my sight.

She knee Caesar in her stomach, damaging her organs and send her flying and crashing against a mountain.

Rodan: Gojira stop!

Rodan charge her body with flames, flights towards Gojira at a great speed and tackle her.

Gojira: *annoy*

The flame tackle didn't do any damage to Gojira. It only annoy her.

Gojira: Grrrr!

Rodan: Oh shit-

Rodan try to fly away, but wasn't fast enough. As Gojira grab Rodan by her tail, begin to swing her around and threw her and blasted her with her Heat Ray Breath mid air. Injuring her back and crashing landing on the ground.

Rodan: *cough* Need to-

Gojira jump towards Rodan and landed on her back. Breaking Rodan spine.

Rodan: AAAAAAAH!!!

Gojira: Weak. You are not allowed to leave my island. Not ever.

Gojira grab one of Rodan wings and breaks it.

Rodan: AAAAAAH!!

Gojira: Now you can't fly. But to make sure you don't try to escape me.

She uses her tail to turn Rodan on her back.

Gojira: Let's see how long well this send you unconscious?

She charge blue radiation in her foot and stomps on Rodan face. Breaking her face and sending her unconscious.

Gojira: Now where is that mole?

Gojira felt the vibration on the ground.

Gojira: Found you.

Gojira jump away a few meters from Rodan and landed close to a dig out hole.

Gojira: Where do you think your going?

Gojira begin to charge her dorsal plates and blasted her Heat Ray Breath right into the hole.

???: Oh shit!

The Heat Ray Breath send Anguirus flying from underground and crash landing near the beach.

Anguirus: Got to escape! I can't fight her-

Gojira grab her by her tail.

Gojira: Where do you think your going?

Anguirus: Let me go! I don't wanna fight! Please!

Gojira: I said no one leaves my island without my permission. And you broke that rule.

Anguirus: Gojira please! Don't be the villain! Return to the way you used to be-

Gojira: Do you actually believe you're in any position to order me?

Anguirus: Not that's what I mean! Your mistaking!

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