Chapter 105

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Li Ruoshui looked at the people around him and couldn't help laughing.

She had always wondered why the legendary rich businessman who was taught by Lu Zhizhi never came to find fault.

Thinking about it now, Lu Zhiyao should have killed the "unstable" factor of the rich boy in the cradle.

And what did he tell them who had united with him to "deceive" her?

Today, she is like being covered in a glass bottle by Lu Zhiyao, and everything in the bottle is her ideal life.

Friendly neighbors, not so warm but kind-hearted local residents, flowers in the courtyard, cool summer, no worries every day...

It's not so much to satisfy her expectations as to please her. He is using all the methods he can to please her.

He's telling her that life here is good, life here is exactly what she's dreamed of, so... so what?

His change seems to have started from the day they set foot in Suzhou.

Why is her memory missing a day, what was she doing on that missing day, and what was Lu Zhiyao doing?

Li Ruoshui's heart was a little urgent, but she didn't want to find out the reason because she was very concerned about what happened that day. On the contrary, she wanted to find out the reason because of the distance. Remember https://m.

He's been in really bad shape lately.

When she woke up in the middle of the night last night, Lu Zhizhi was sleeping beside the bed with a frown, far away from her, but his hand stubbornly stretched out to the corner of her skirt, thus revealing the tiny scratches on his arms.

She had counted six of them on her left forearm alone. They were shallow and hard to spot at first glance. They didn't seem to be serious, but as long as you pressed them a little harder, the wound would split open and tiny blood droplets would ooze out.

The forearm that is often exposed is like this, not to mention the places that are not easily exposed.

Li Ruoshui didn't dare to mention these scars today. First, he didn't know the real reason for his self-injury, so he couldn't enlighten him. Second, because of his personality, he would definitely mark the wound in a more secret place after being discovered.


The reason that could make him feel so sad and his emotions so strange could only be related to her.

And by now, she couldn't think of any other reason besides that she would leave him.

But how could he think of this for no reason?

"System, can you tell me what happened that day?"

Now that she knew that the breaking point was what happened that day, she just had to ask the system.

【automatic response. Due to the violation of the regulations, the system is going offline and introspecting, and will come back in a few days. After calculation, the probability of the host being in danger is close to zero. Please don't worry about personal safety, and work hard to win the 1%. 】


The system went offline for repair. This is a major event. If she didn't find anything on the road that day, she wouldn't believe it.

Now that he knew something, how did he feel when he was with her these days?

Seemingly aware of it, Lu Zhizhi raised his umbrella and looked over there.

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