Break Out

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Thank you @AstridOfBerk and @Littlewolf65 for the great ideas, I've combined bits and prices to form this chapterthank you soooo much! This isn't going to be very long because with this little thing I have now created a few chapters in my head, so hopefully you readers should get some updates a little quicker. Hopefully.

Jack's P.O.V

I have to get out of here! Anna could be anywhere in the castle, make that anywhere in all of Arendelle! scared out of her mind and I can't even escape one simple cell to look for her!

"Think Jack. Think!" I yell at myself "some Guardian!"

I pull on the chains that keeping me from getting out. This is ridiculous! How is Pitch even alive? Everywhere in the world was happy, who could've created that many fears or nightmares to bring him back?! Ugh, I need answers

The only light that's filling the room is that of the candles on the other side of the window that's at the other end of the cell. I get a weird feeling being in this cell, like ice and snow have been in here before, I can feel them and.... It's very unsettling.

A bang on the door breaks me out of my thoughts. My head snaps up to where to noise came from and the door is soon broken open. Bunnymund is standing there holding my staff!

"Hurry. They've more than likely heard us. Go find your believer, I'll meet you outside" he says, snapping the chains like they're made of soggy bread. He passes me my staff and hops out of the room.

I'm avoiding those shadow guards as best I can. Unfortunately, the corner I'm hiding in occupies one of those very guards. Just as he's about to call for backup, I froze him, at first it was just out of panic but I start to form a plan in my head


After almost half an hour of fiddling around with these clothes, I make myself look like a guard, hiding my face as best I can.

"Now, time to look for Anna" I mumble

As soon as a line of guards marches by, I slip into the middle and continue to follow them. I sneak glances down different corridors, hallways, open doors, but none of them have anything remotely suspicious in them.

That is, until I saw one door; pure black with no light creaking through. I maneuvered my way out of the line and sprinted towards the doors.

First I try and open them normally, but of course that doesn't work, so next I try slamming it open, that doesn't work either. Finally, I point my staff at it and shoot a sharp icicle at the lock, which essentially snaps like a stick.

I quickly open the door and I'm shocked at what I see to say the least.....

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