Chapter 2

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The bell chimed twice, signaling the end of his unproductive sleep cycle and the start of his output cycle. Throwing himself from his bed, newly elevated Acolyte Benedict Lockley loped from his shared room, leaving behind the rest of his octet in his excitement to contribute to Him. Throwing his supplicant's robes over his lanky frame, he almost tripped twice as he stumbled through the door that led from his dormitory. Today was his first day as a contributing member to the Order! Scrubbing the gears of the temple and oiling squealing machines from dawn until dusk was over, and finally would he be able to showcase his talents.

That he was only sixteen didn't cause a moment of self-doubt. Visions of impending glory endlessly playing in his head, Benedict's legs took on a life of their own, propelling him to the Hall of Assignment, where he would be given his first output task as Acolyte of the Order. Turning the corner, his pace slowed as other new Acolytes shuffled from their dormitories, bleary-eyed and with bags under their imperfect human eyes. Narrowly avoiding a collision with a yawning supplicant whose eyes were still shut, Benedict wove his way down the hallway, refusing to let another second pass without productivity.

His first steps into the Hall of Assignment were tentative, his exuberance tempered by respect for the great cavernous space before him. Like all holy areas of the temple, the hall gleamed dully, the early morning light economically transmitted through the skylights meters overhead. Desks arranged in neat rows lay before him, each a carbon copy of the next. Even then, he had to be careful; his assigned Adept had been recently blessed with Augmentation and would likely be quite different physically.

The mass of Acolytes he had just avoided began to pour into the Hall behind him. Nowhere near as reverent as he, the low buzz of chatter assailed his ears as he rushed to find his adept, paranoid that his assigned post could still be somehow taken from him. At long last he located her, sitting behind a desk missing her fiery curls of hair. In their place sat a set of cerebral plugs, all trailing dendrites that wiggled back and forth like a nest of snakes. He knew from long study that such cerebral plugs were costly and were given only to the most deserving of adepts, so as he sat his mouth poured out an incomprehensible congratulation.

She seemed not to hear, continuing to focus on the pile of paperwork in front of her. Embarrassed that he had somehow acted improperly, Benedict flushed. Somehow sensing his discomfort despite her downward eyes, the adept's mouth curled up in a small smile. "Would you like to try that again, Ben?"

His cheeks burning more fiercely, Benedict stammered out, "Truly the optics of the Deus Machina are on you, honored Adept Perry. I am pleased to see that He has blessed you with His favor." Her eyes finally raised themselves from the paper in front of her, Lyna Perry's eyes twinkled with pride and mischief. "I heard you the first time, Ben, but I can never resist the chance to make you uncomfortable."

Smiling tentatively, Benedict relaxed slightly. Since his first day as a disciple he had known Lyna Perry. She had been the adept assigned to supervise his octet and was intimately aware of all pertinent specifications of his life. They had occasionally shared some... less pertinent specifications, and it was because of those more personal experiences that Benedict forever felt awkward around her, unable to regulate himself no matter how many Rites of Calming he repeated. She never seemed to suffer the same affliction, always ready with input that made him blush. "I don't know what you would do if I wasn't around to tease. You'd have to find some other poor disciple to torment.

"I guess you know why I'm here. I mean, I always enjoy seeing you. It doesn't seem to happen as often as it should- as it used to..." His voice trailed off lamely as he tried to figure out a way of his vocal slip. Close proximity was expected in the Order, but interpersonal relationships were frowned upon. All who served the Order were there to serve Him, not indulge in their own desires.

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