Chapter 62: The Funeral

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Y/n's POV:
The days loomed closer and closer to Dumbledore's funeral, it was the funeral tomorrow morning, my cheeks were tear stained and my eyes were puffy and red.

I hung a simple black, long dress on the edge of my wardrobe to release all the wrinkles and letting it fall straight. I sat on the edge of my bed, staring out of the window at the tall buildings of muggle London and the winding road of diagon alley. A hand rubbed my growing bump, talking lightly to the twins. Telling them how much I love them and how competitive Uncle George and Uncle Lee are getting about being a better uncle.

Fred walked into the room and looked at me with a warm smile before coming to sit next to me and joining in my conversation with the babies.

"You know bean and pea, Uncle George and Uncle Lee are fighting over you both already." Fred smiled, lightly rubbing my bump.

"I just told them about that." I smiled, giving Fred a kiss on the cheek before kissing my hand and putting it on my bump, repeating the same thing.

"We should think of names." Fred said happily.

"That's probably a good idea. But we should wait until after the funeral." I replied, cuddling my way into Fred's chest, feeling my eyes go heavy and close.

I woke up the next morning protectively wrapped in Fred's arms, I was in my pyjamas and cuddled under the blanket. Fred's eyes were lovingly staring at me, a small smile formed on his lips.

"It's rude to stare love." I said groggily.

"But you look beautiful when you sleep." Fred replied , slightly tightening his grip on me.

"What time is it?" I asked, burrowing my head into his chest.

"8:30am." Fred said into my ear before kissing my cheek

"We should probably leave soon, the funeral starts at 10:30." I said, pulling away from his chest and swinging my legs off the bed.

I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and have a quick shower. The warm water hit my body and I gave a satisfying sigh. My feet were no longer visible over my bump which was sort of weird but a smile grew onto my face. After my shower, I used a spell to dry my hair and slightly curled the ends with a hair curler, my parents gave it to me before they moves away. I applied light but smart looking makeup before changing into my black dress, it went down to my feet, it was a tight and plain dress which enhanced the size of my bump. I slid on some sandals and grabbed a small bag for my wand,  extra makeup and tissues.

I made my way down the corridor towards the living room where the three men were. All of them wearing smart jeans and a plain black shirt. Smart dress shoes and neat hair. I tried to sneak my way into the kitchen to make us all some breakfast but of course it fails.

"Y/n! Stop!" Lee called. "We said your not doing breakfast!"

"I'm only 13 weeks!" I replied, all three of them turned to face me, stern looks painted on all three of their faces.

"With twins." George said

"So..." I questioned.

"You need to relax. Your growing two humans." Lee replied, edging closer to me to direct me away from the kitchen and towards a chair at the table.

"I give up!" I said, throwing my hands in the air, taking a seat at the table with an annoyed huff.

"So what do you want for breakfast." Fred asked, taking a seat next to mine.

"Bean and pea want pancakes with bacon." I said, rubbing my bump.

"Pancakes with bacon coming up!" Fred, George and Lee all shouted before running into the kitchen.

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