Chapter 5

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So I got a call from Stiles asking if I could pick him up from the mechanics since Scott wasn't answering his phone which I figured he was still talking to Deaton. I pulled up and Stiles got into the car.

"So what exactly happened?"I asked him starting up the car

"Okay, so you know how I woke up in a dumpster after Erica knocked me out?"Stiles said and I nodded "Well she used my starter from my jeep to do so."

"Not Roscoe, is she okay?"I asked knowing how much he loved his car

"Yes thank you for asking but that's not the point of the story, anyway I had to go to this mechanic who was a total d-bag so after hours of waiting I confronted him and when I went to go back into the waiting area I got this weird liquid on my hand, and the next thing I know I'm on the ground paralyzed from the neck down and then the weird Lizard creature that you and Scott saw at Isaac came and killed the mechanic and it was awful because I couldn't do anything." Stiles told me

"I'm sorry Stiles."I said paying his shoulder.

"But that's not the worst part."Stiles said which caused me to glance at him confused

"What do you mean?"I asked him

"Well first Roscoe got impounded for evidence and second there was something about the creature's eyes, you know how when you see like a friend in a Halloween mask, but all you can actually see are their eyes, and you feel like you know them but you can't figure out who it is?" Stiles told me

"Yeah, where you going with this Stiles? do you know who it is?"I asked him

"No. but I think it knew me."He said turning towards me making my jaw drop.

I quickly dropped him off and told him I would give him and Scott a ride tomorrow or if he wanted he could borrow my jeep till he gets Roscoe back which he happily agreed.

I made my way to the brown house since Stiles was coming to get my Jeep tomorrow. I looked at the time and decided I should surprise Scott but I wasn't expecting for Allison's car to be in his driveway while his mother was at work. I quickly parked in my driveway and ran next door. Right as I got to his lawn the front door opened causing me to hide and I waited till Allison got close to her car and popped out.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"I asked and stepped closer to her and the smell of Scott and sex hit me

"What do you think?"Allison smirked "Your boyfriend."

"Bitch are you serious?"I asked taking a threatening step toward her

"Yep."She said popping the p to hide the fact she gulped when I stepped closer."We've been doing it for the past two weeks."

"You're lying." I said not wanting it to be true

"Ask him yourself, he won't lie because I'm so much better than you."Allison said with her smirk growing

My jaw dropped and without thinking I hit her and used the pain song. I smirked as she doubled over in pain.

"Leave now." I said letting her go

I ran to the front door I used my key to open the door, and ran up to his room where I smelt Allison and arousal.

"Ella, what are you doing here? are you okay?"Scott said looking me over for injury

"Cut the shit Scott, I can clearly smell a mix of Allison and arousal, I also ran into her outside and she told me everything."I said trying to keep my tears from spilling and pulling away from him harshly.

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