Dong Wook or us

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Jungkook's P. O. V.

"Guys.... " I nervously chuckled as they both sent daggers at me.

"What are you teaching my son you pervert?! " Dong asked as he started to launch at me.

"Uh....Dong, it's just- OH MY GHOD. " I nearly shouted in panic as I ran to my room and locked it.

"Open the damn door, you good for nothing uncle! " Dong banged on the door.

"It was a mistake. Gosh, lemme call Jae. She's the only one who can save me. " I said as I took out my phone and called her.

Jae's P. O. V.

"Hello? " I asked as I took the call.

"Jae! " Kook cried from the other side of the phone.

"What happened? " I asked as my heart suddenly started racing just hearing that he was in danger.

"Jae save me, save me~ I need your love before I fall~ " He sang miserably.

"Tell me what happened? " I asked again.

"It's Dong. He's chasing me! He'll kill me if you don't come I swear- Agh. Jae, save me he's breaking my door like a bull. " He shouted.

"Okay, I'm coming. " I said as I cut the door.

"Who was it? " Vernon asked.

"Oh, it was Kook. Dong is angry with him for something and now they're fighting. " I sighed, massaging my temples.

"What?! He's chasing my baby? Let me get home and whoop Wook's ass. " Jinnie huffed as he drove quicker.

"You don't know the reason. It can be your 'baby's fault too. " I said as Joonie snickered.

"Of course. Dong Wook is innocent. He can't do anything wrong. Everything is Jungkook's fault. Our fault- " Joonie was saying as Yoongi cut him off.

"Dude, you okay? " Yoongi asked as Joonie looked at him and rolled his eyes.

"Calm your Namtities down. " Hobi said as he patted Joonie's chest only his hands to be slapped away.

"Don't dare touch my tities. " Joonie said.

"It was hard though. His tities. " Hobi confirmed as Joonie scowled.

Is it because of this morning? Is he still angry with me?

"Joonie- "

"Don't call me that! " Joonie retorted as I felt a slight pain.

"Please, let's talk once we're at our dorm. " I said as I looked outside of the window, not daring to look at him.

"No- "

"Kim Namjoon, listen to Jae or I'm gonna cut those Namtities down. Don't hurt my girl. " Yoongi threatened.

"My girl. " Joonie mimicked as Hobi's eyes enlarged.

"Is Jae and Yoongi hyung dating? Did I miss something? " He asked as I looked away, blushing.

Why was I even blushing?

"No. But we will soon. " Yoongi winked at me as Vernon hyped him up.

"Yes yes, you two will! " Vernon cheered.

"Thanks bro. " Yoongi smiled at him.

"We're here. " Jinnie said as he parked the car and exited it quickly to save his 'baby'.

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