Chapter 4 - I live in a mansion

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I look in the back seat to see my bambina asleep with her head against the window

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I look in the back seat to see my bambina asleep with her head against the window. (Baby)

It's doesn't seem real. That this sweet, anxious little girl, who I have missed every minute since mom took her away, is right in the back seat.

"Is she asleep?" Kingston whispered to me.

"Yeah, she is."

He nods. "Good, she looked like she could use a long nap."

I agree, "yeah, also, just because of the change and everything new, that can be a little overstimulating for her brain, which can make her be sleepy."

"So I shouldn't be surprised if she sleeps a lot? Will the overstimulating stop at one point, when she gets use to us?"

"Yeah, don't be surprised if she sleeps a lot. Autism itself can give kids sleep issues which just makes them extra tired and grumpy, and it makes for an easy meltdown over things. But yes, it will stop at some point. She just has to get in her mind that this setting is no longer new and temporary but permanent and forever. She'll be okay, Kingston. We've got her."

He nods, "Thanks for being here with me, bud. I really appreciate it."

Ever the older brother calling me bud. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

When we get to the airport, Baylor was still asleep, and Kingston didn't want to wake her up so he softly opened the door, picked her up under her arms, and put her on his hip. She laid her head down on his shoulder, barely waking up any. My poor girl is so tired.

 My poor girl is so tired

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My ribs are on fire. My head is throbbing. I'm pressed up against something warm and safe. I feel safe.

Not something but someone.

I open my eyes and realize I'm leaning on my brother's chest. He has his hand going up and down my back, not realizing how soothing that is to me.

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