Chapter 50:The general (2).

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❝What?❞Zhia Xiang spat out, keeping eye contact with the man who had a stupid smirk on his face.

❝I saw the door open and took it as an invitation. ❞Thomas explained, taking a few steps towards Zhia Xiang who stood her ground.

❝Something is off about him. ❞Zhia Xiang thought.

Her eyes searched for agent 0 and Victor, anxious that something happened to them.

❝What's your mission, sweetheart?❞Thomas questioned, his tone sickly sweet.

Zhia Xiang gave him a questioning look as if asking "what do you mean?".

❝Oh? Playing dumb, are we? You know? We, transmigrators should be more... friendly towards each other. ❞Thomas explained, his smug smirk never leaving his face.

❝Another transmigrator?❞ Zhia Xiang though, raising her guard.

❝Shit. ❞Agent 0 said after sensing the threat that Thomas was.

❝What?❞Victor questioned.

Without replying, agent 0 rushed to Zhia Xiang's side, glaring at Thomas.

Victor followed him, confused by who the man was and why did Zhia Xiang looked so agitated.

❝He's a SS rank transmigrator. But wait... ❞Agent 0 explained.

❝What?❞Zhia Xiang asked, seeing the confused look on agent 0's face.

❝He doesn't have an agent? How is that possible?❞The robotic cat asked in disbelief.

❝Cat got your tongue? Or perhaps you're discussing with your little pet?❞Thomas continued, taking a step closer.

Victor stepped in front of Zhia Xiang, fireballs in hand, ready to attack.

❝Oh? There is someone else here... invisibility, huh? How intriguing. ❞Thomas added, stepping back.

❝I've asked mother base for an explanation and it seems like he is a rebel. ❞Agent 0 spoke.

❝A rebel?❞Victor questioned, not taking his eyes off Thomas.

❝A transmigrator that doesn't finish their tasks and abuses their power to do bad.He killed his agent. Or more precise, destroyed, as we are machinery with no life.❞Agent 0 explained.

❝How is he still able to transmigrate?❞Zhia Xiang questioned.

❝I'm getting quite impatient, why don't you come here and have fun with me?❞Thomas interrupted.

Victor scoffed and walked closer to Thomas, prepared for fight.

❝He took his agent's core and it's using it to transmigrate. ❞ Agent 0 continued.

❝Explain. ❞Zhia Xiang demanded.

Thomas charged towards Zhia Xiang, but Victor was quicker and punched him between his ribs.

Thomas coughed and groaned angrily.

❝It's not fair. Transmigrator! Don't be a coward and fight me, don't use your invisible slave!❞Thomas demanded, trying to provoke Zhia Xiang.

❝The core is like a key that agents have. That key is the object that make us able to transmigrate our subjects in different worlds. He stole it from his agent and is now able to use it. This information is classified... but I trust you won't use it badly. Besides, there is a rewards for whoever catches him, it looks like multiple transmigrators have tried and ended up hurt. ❞Agent 0 explained.

Thomas tried to use his other senses to expose Victor's location, but the latter was a master of sneaking.

❝Bastard! Show yourself! I'll kill you and this pretty transmigrator girl!❞ Thomas shouted.

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