Chapter 4

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Fawn's POV

It was about 8:30am and me and Jade were getting ready to go out and have a little shopping spree all day, we had been saving our pocket money up all month, we were so excited!
"What shops should we go in first do you think?" Jade asked me whilst pulling up her leggings.
"Maybe Primark and Topshop, they always have good clothes?"
"Okay, best get going then" Jade says grabbing her bag and sticking her money Into it.
We open the door and find one of the other girls standing in front of us,
"Erm, Jade, Fawn, there's some people downstairs wanting to see you, I don't even know, I just got told to come up here and tell you freaks" she said with a very angry expression
Me and Jade just looked at each other, we walked down the staircase and into the lounge
Me and Jade gasped immensely as our eyes were attached to the two couples sat on the sofa's.
It was no other than Dan and Phil sitting there staring at me, on the other sofa it was Tyler and Troye! Jade nudged me and said,
"What the actual fuck, is this real?" With her jaw dropped
"I think so, omg" I said with a tear crawling down my face
"OMG, Dan was right, you two do slay!" Tyler said chuckling whilst clapping his hands.
"Um thanks?" I said questioning what the hell was going on
"Oh you're Australian, nice to meet someone who's from my country!" Troye burst out, smiling at me
"Yeah, I'm from Sydney" I said looking at Dan and Phil wondering why they were here,
"So are you guys just gonna stand there or are you gonna come sit?" Tyler asks
"Fawn, come sit with us, and Jade I think that you should sit with Tyler and Troye" Phil said
"Fawn, how are Tyler and Troye here? And how does Phil know my name?" Jade asks
"I have no idea, just go with it" I said back, waddling over to the seat on the sofa next to Dan.
"So Jade, we have travelled all the way from LA, because Dan told us about you and our friend Fawn, they found you on social media, and me and Troye just fell in love and we wanted to adopt you so badly, so here we are!" Tyler said with a little giggle, looking at Jade smiling
"OMG, I'm so happy you don't understand!" Jade screamed, whilst crying
Jade leaped onto Tyler and Troye and gave them an enormous hug,
"Come on then, you'll have to get packed!" Troye said grabbing her hand
Tyler, Troye and Jade all walked up to mine and Jades room and packed her things
"So, Fawn now us," Dan said holding my hand, looking at me " We were really guilty for what we did, and we couldn't bare it anymore, so we decided to come here and adopt you, that's how Tyler knew aswell because I told him how excited I was and he saw a picture of you and your friend Jade, and he knew he wanted her as his Daughter so we picked him up when he flew here."
"Wow, really? Is this really happening?" I burst out in happy tears
Phil wrapped his arms around me and said "let's get packing then and say goodbye to Jade, you wont see her very much, so make so it's a good goodbye"
I walked up the stairs, with Dan and Phil trailing behind me, realising this might be the last time I ever see my best friend again.

We walked into the room and I straight away, ran to Jade and hugged her we both whispered 'infinity' to each other and promised to stay in touch, we each carried on packing, whilst Dan, Phil, Tyler and Troye sat on my bed and talked about how happy they were, me and Jade started crying and kept getting distracted from packing.

Eventually we were done, all of us followed Dan walking down the stairs and out of the door, I looked back at the orphanage and took a deep breath as I sat I walked towards Dan and phil's car and said goodbye to everything that had happens over the last few months of my life.

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