🩸Author's Note🩸

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Hi guys, this is me, Elena. This is my second work, second serious work, after Saved, which is a teen fiction that I'm still working on. So, if you haven't read 'Saved' yet, pls head over to my profile, and read it, and don't forget to vote and comment if you liked!

I'm not a professional poet. There. I said it. I haven't gone to college (I'm still in high school, lol) to study about writing, and forms of writing and whatever else they teach there. So, pls forgive me if these aren't as good as those other poems. These are my own self laid bare in idioms and expressions. So if you mock them, you are mocking me.

What I'm trying to say is, pls don't spread hate. I don't think u are doing good or anyone if you do that. If you aren't commenting, fine. Just don't do hate. 

To all the others who keep supporting me through thick and thin, and through Saved, you have my warmest regards, my love, and my heart. Love you all!

Lots and lots of lurveee,
Elena xXx

PS. I got the inspiration for this book from @MimahJay , so if y'all are here reading this, just know that I owe her for a lot! Pls go to her profile and read her poetry work too! I assure you they're much, much better than mine! 

But, since y'all are already here, read the first poem before you go!


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