Chapter 51:The general...? (3).

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Zhia Xiang looked at the three robots in front of her, waiting for them to speak.

❝We're here to take agent #700 in custody. ❞ The middle young man spoke, gesturing for the other two to take Thomas.

Thomas bit Victor's hand, act that gave his mouth freedom.

❝Subject #654! Use your skill to save me and I swear to repay you!❞Thomas shouted.

Victor was ready to kick him to shut his mouth, but Zhia Xiang stopped him.

❝How do you know about my skill?❞Zhia Xiang asked confused.

❝Get subject #700!❞The robotic man ordered, getting impatient.

The other two caught Thomas, who struggled to break free.

❝Your skill it's not so secret through transmigrators! Do you think it's a coincidence that you got such an useful skill, perfect for transmigration?❞Thomas continued.

❝Shut him!❞The robotic man ordered.

Zhia Xiang looked at Thomas.

❝What do you mean?Let him speak. ❞Zhia Xiang demanded.

❝It's time we return him to mother base, don't interfere, subject #654! ❞The man warned, looking at Zhia Xiang.

Victor stepped forward and pushed the two robots away, freeing Thomas.

❝One wrong move and I'll burn you into ashes.❞Victor warned in a low voice.

He turned his head to look at the puzzled Zhia Xiang and felt his heart ache.

❝Don't interfere, I said!❞The robotic man warned, glaring at Victor who took a defensive position.

❝You were a lab rat this whole time, subject #654. Your so called skill was given to you by no other that the higher ups of transmigration! Imagine how a child can misuse such dangerous power. ❞Thomas continued, his eyes suggesting that there is more to be exposed.

❝What is he saying? Those robots gave me this skill? Why? How? ❞

❝You must be so confused now... poor girl. You know what else is kept secret from you?❞Thomas continued, the tension in the room was suffocating.

The robotic man tried to shot a needle at Thomas's throat, but Victor caught in time.

❝Hahah! See? How they're trying to keep their secrets? But I'll tell you because I'm so kind. A skill so great required a strong mind, subject #654. Do you know how the base decided to give you that strong mind? By trauma. ❞Thomas continued.

All three robots jumped to attack Victor so they could get to Thomas. Zhia Xiang was reflecting at Thomas's words until something hit her... something twisted.

❝ parents death... ❞She muttered in disbelief.

❝Bingo! Haha, isn't that wonderful? They traumatized you to create a strong transmigrator. I assume you wonder why they win from having strong transmigrators... well, have you ever asked what those metals have to win from all this transmigration? They aren't usual machines... they need souls to survive! The poor souls that call upon a miracle to avenge them end up as combustible for these robots. Twisted, right? If you finish you missions successfully, the soul is freed from their revenge and they become food. Now you know the truth. ❞Thomas continued, taking slow step backs trying to make a run for the door.

Zhia Xiang was frozen. Everything seemed to go in slow-motion, Victor ripping a robot's head apart, Thomas running as a robot chased him.

❝My parents death... was caused by the higher ups? Agent 0 recruiting me wasn't a weird coincidence? It was a plan to get me to feed them souls by completing missions?! I've been tricked! All this... I was only a puppet?!❞ Zhia Xiang fell to her knees and shouted.

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