Chapter 8: Unholy Alliance

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Wellston Private High School:

Hallway, 8:50 AM



Footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway in the direction of Arlo and John. Both of them froze to the sound, something clearly spooking Arlo into silence. The two kings slid next to a wall of lockers in hopes that whoever it was would just ignore them and continue on their way so that they could continue their conversation.

"Hey! Move over, that's my spot!" John whisper shouted at Arlo.

"What do you mean it's your spot you clown! It doesn't matter where we hide as long as we do!" Arlo scolded John.

Just as John was about to open his mouth to launch another comment at Arlo, the footsteps stopped. They both look at each other and then back at the empty hall connector where the steps were coming from.

Anticipating the results of who it could be, they readied themselves.

"Just the two I was looking for!" Said Isen happily.

"Of course! Just like a rat wondering the halls of an abandoned building!" John remarked.

Behind him something strange happened, Arlo smirked at his comparison. Seeing this rare sight, Isen's jaw dropped indirectly signaling to John to look back. Upon witnessing the small smile for himself, John took no time to whip out his phone and snap a picture.

"Give. Me. That." Arlo looked at John menacingly.

"I don't know Asslo! I might have this printed and hung on my wall and punching bag. It's great material!" John replied sarcastically.

Arlo's eyes began to shine as a threat to John but Isen stepped in between the two before anything could go any further.

"Easy! Easy!" Isen tried to diffuse the growing situation.

Both John and Arlo looked at Isen, starring daggers at him for getting in between them. The two seemed to find a common enemy in a split second, uniting them even faster.

"L-listen... T-that organization we came across, they're bad news" Isen panicked.

"Really! I couldn't tell!" John replied.

Isen could feel their glares to hurry up, prompting him to continue.

"After I wiped Remi and Blyke's files from their system I came across something concerning" Isen began. "I couldn't find any files related to the supposed "agents" we fought against, but I found something that lead me to a government run site" Isen finished.

"Before I could keep looking around I got shut out. That must have been when you pulled the USB chip from their terminal" Isen stated.

"Is that all?" Arlo asked.

"Yes. I'll be going thankyouforyourtimepleasedonthurtme!" Isen said as fast as he could while running in the opposite direction.

The two looked at each other, thinking the same thing about Isen.

'God he's such a rat' both John and Arlo thought.

"Anyway, Arlo, tell me what you know about Sera. She's obviously going through something and I want to help" said John.

"John... Why should I be telling you anything. Why do you suddenly want to help after all you did less than a month ago was try and tear everything down" Arlo questioned John.

"I know what I did, and I know you have no reason to trust me. But with that said, you know I have no reason to trust you, and yet here I am!" John reasoned. "If anyone knows, you know I don't want anything to do with you, and yet you are the only one I can go to" John finished.

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