*Europe Day 3: Afternoon* Wedding Cancellations

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Kourtney's POV:

Gio and I were laying in bed resting when all of a sudden my phone rang. The number that appeared was from a while ago. It was the bakeries number, they are going to deliver my wedding cake in four days or so.

"Hello? is this Miss Kourtney Greene?" I hear a strong Italian accent on the other line.

"Yes, this is Kourtney Greene speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hi Miss Greene, I'm calling to let you know that your wedding cake won't be ready till next thursday. There's been a delay in ingredients in our shipping system and we are so sorry for the delay," I here the frantic baker through the phone.

"What do you mean our wedding cake won't be done in time?!" I scream through my phone angrily at the baker who is speaking in an Italian accent.

"I'm sorry m'am but your wedding cake won't be done until next week," the baker says on the phone with a thick italian accent.

"Babe, calm down. It's not a big deal we can just get pastries instead of a cake," Giovanni whispers to me while rubbing my back.

"Cancel my order. I want a refund!" I scream at the guy and lean on Giovanni's shoulder upset.

Is this what wedding planning feels like? Stress and tiredness?

"M'am no need to yell I can put the refund in if you give me your order number," the baker says as my blood starts to boil.

Before, I can scream any louder at my phone, the line beeps and my mother's picture appears on the screen. Greatttt.... what does she want?

"Hold on one second," I switch the call to my mother's number.

"Hello mother, what do you want now?" I grit my teeth and try to stay calm while talking to her.

"I just want you to know that I have arrived in Paris. I actually arrived yesterday and I was searching for a snack. There's a really good patisserie across the street. You should check it out. A really handsome man named, Howard works there. He served me the most delicious chocolate croissant. Oh how I love Paris already. Anyways, any chance you change your mind about the wedding?" I hear my mom snicker through the phone as I grab my phone and run to the bathroom so Giovanni can't hear her talk trash about him.

Why is she even coming to the wedding if she does not approve of us? Wait, Howie works in Paris?

"No, I have not changed my mind. I am still marrying Giovanni whether you like it or not," I lock myself in the bathroom Giovanni and I share.

"Ugh okay. So, should I paint my nails purple or yellow for the wedding?" My mom says in disgust.

Sometimes she can be so stubborn and childish.

"I don't know. Do what you want. The wedding colors are lilac and white by the way if you forgot since you might not have the invitation anymore," I reply and lean against the bathroom door.

"You sound tired and hungry. You should really check out that patisserie across the street. I would go with you on a mother daughter date but I'm currently at the spa," My mom says while I listen to someone talk to her in the background.

"Ok whatever," I respond since I can't deal with her anymore.

On second thought, maybe I shouldn't have invited her to the wedding.

"Hey babe, you alright in there?" I hear Giovanni say as he knocks on the door.

"I'll be fine soon," I hang up on my mother and lean against the door again.

Europe Escapades: Book 2 in the Shipwrecked SeriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora