Chapter 19

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Sang's P.O.V.

I park in front of the house and get put as quietly as possible. The houses are thankfully a little far apart, and there's no lights on that I can tell.

I put on my gloves before opening the door to the house. There's a young girl, around fourteen or fifteen years old, kneeling over the body of her father. Also, there's the reek of sulfur in here.

"I'm sorry," she sobs. "I didn't know who else to call and Dad had Henry's number in his phone."

"It's okay," I say trying to sound calm. "You're going to be fine, I'm going to help you through this."

I approach her slowly and I can see the full extent of their injuries.

The dad's face isn't recognizable. He has feel lacerations all over and there's something wooden jammed into the the side of his neck. The sight alone sends a wave of nausea through me. The only thing I've seen that's worse than this was the night I met Taylor.

The daughter got beat up pretty bad as well.

"My name is Sang," I tell her. "What's yours?"

"Kat," she says through her crying.

"Okay, Kat. I know this is hard, but I need you to tell me everything that happened tonight," I tell her.

I'm trying my best to sound calm and let her go at her own pace, because this is very traumatizing, but we need to move fast.

She stutters over her words at first, but she's able to recount the night's events for me. "I was asleep when I heard somebody breaking in. I was too scared to even move," she pauses for a moment. "I heard voices and things being thrown and then I heard my dad yelling. Next thing I knew I was being dragged down here. There were about six demons. They started hurting me to get my dad to tell them where something was."

She stops and for a few minutes the only sound in here is the sound of her sobbing.

"You're doing great. What did they want from your dad?," I ask.

"Some kind of bullets," she tells me. "Dad told them they were in the safe. I don't know why they were so special, I couldn't get a good look at them. And then they killed him anyways."

I can't help but wonder if they were celestial bullets. They had to be. I can't imagine them trying to steal plain old silver bullets.

           "I'm going to look around real quick, alright?," I ask. "Just to make sure they didn't leave anything behind."

She only nods and I do a quick walkthrough of the house. I find the safe, wide open and empty. But overall, they left nothing behind.

I return to Kat.

"Alright, after I leave you are going to call 911. You are going to explain to them everything that happened tonight, but you have to leave everything about demons and the bullets. Just tell them it was six guys and they wanted something out of the safe. And you're going to tell them that they knocked you out before you left and when you woke up, you called them right away. Got it?"

She nods and I say, "Now, when you called me, what phone did you call me from?," I ask.

She points at the nearby coffee table. "Dad's phone was closest."

"I'm going to take this," I tell her. "So they don't wonder why you called somebody else before you called them. If they happen to ask where his phone is, tell them the men must have taken it."

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