Shiver me Timbers

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While standing there in the elevator to go up to Chica's room,  I couldn't keep the way that Monty looked at me and the way he growled out of my head. Is he actually pissed off?
Ugh, im not sure. I cant tell —

When I got up to Chica's room I went in and found Chica eating pizza, as usual.
"Heyy Chica!"
"Oh! Hey Y/N-"
"You were amazing on stage today"
Stars showed up in her eyes.
"(gasp) really?! thank you!!"
I giggle. "Mhm!"
"Sooo... Y/N, you and Monty?"
"Roxy told me what happened when she went to get you guys~"
"ohh, aha ha."
"he has anger issues so you should
be careful"
"yeah yeah, i know"
"he might end up trying to bite you Y/N! He has a strong bite"
"pfft- i'm the mechanic. so if he even tries anything I could do something too"
"oh yeah!"
"Well i've got to charge up now. Stay if you want but you should try to sleep soon, for energy y'know!"
"mhmmm~ have fun with that I guess."
"thanks! you too?"

I walk out of her room and I notice Monty's room. It was all messed up again due to his anger issues and even after covering it up for repairs i still heard Monty in there being a little baby with his temper tantrums.
As I find my room, I walk inside through the door and just fall on my cough exhausted. There still wasn't a bed in yet which sucked since I'm needed to have one since i'm surprisingly more special... ha no, i just have more jobs so more privilege i guess.
I pass out on the couch for a bit but then jolt back up since I remembered I was suppose to meet some kids for a party.
I fix myself up and go out the door and I speed walk on over to the area and see the party with the kids i'm suppose to see and walk towards them.
A guy named Notoke (who we just call noke or noto) was supervising the area waiting for me.
Once I was completely over there, the kids all surrounded over me telling how great i was and i kept thanking them. After a while, I began to take pictures with them, and even played a few games with all of the kiddos.

After a long while I take off to walk around the place so if certain people wanna see me, this would be their chance at the moment.
Soon enough while walking around a lot of people and kids asked me for pictures and even had a little chat with me. I loved talking with them since it was super fun, especially with kids since they're super cute. even though they can be actual demons.
I still love them!

I walked on over to Monty golf and found him watching a few kids play golf and helped give them their prizes. I smiled while watching him and i was staring at him for a while.
Monty soon noticed me and felt a bit embarrassed but then walked towards me.
"How long were you there for?"
"That's.. Not important."
"Well it is to me!"
"Okay well, why're you here?"
He sounded annoyed.
I sighed.
"I apologize for being earlier. We got off the wrong foot and im hoping that we could get along and that you'd stop being so upset?"
With his mouth opened wide , I just shut it close with my hand, and he couldn't open it.
He was programmed like an actual gator so his bite is strong but the connection supporting the jaws aren't really strong.
"Now then, Monty... We're gonna get along."
He growled a lot at me, but he pulled me close and laid his hand on/around my waist and one on my wrist.
He had a tight grip on my wrist to the point it began to hurt so i had to let go. I was tearing up when he let go so i tried backing up but i was still in his arm.
There was a bruise on my wrist.
"What the fuck Monty"
"Those look good on you, Y/N"
"Probably only to y-"
While I was in the middle of talking he put two fingers in my mouth making me gag a bit.
My eyes widened and I was super shocked.
"Shut it, Doll."
I was all flustered, but soon he took out his fingers and I wiped my mouth.
All I could do was look down all awkward since I didn't know how to react.
Honestly though, i was grateful no one could see because with how big Monty was, when he stood in front of me no one could see the person in front of him unless they were way taller.

Monty laughed.
I looked up at him all pissed off.
"I'm going."
"awh, so soon?"
"(sigh) such a loser..."

I roll my eyes and walked away all the way into my room still shocked after what happened. When I arrived in my room I touched my bruise on my wrist and it still hurt a lot.

I fall back into my couch and pass out asleep, hoping for the time to pass along faster and for me to just finally have the whole place to myself so I could hang out and have some fun with Chica and Roxy in peace.

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