Chapter Thirty-Five ( Part One )

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Maya stared after her girlfriend for a couple minutes
after she had shut the door, her mind coming up with
different possibilities of what this surprise could possibly
be. She hoped Carina hadn't gone and bought a kitten or
something, she wasn't a fan of cats. A small ding from her
cellphone knocked her off that roller coaster before she
could dive too deep into it. She turned her attention to the
device and sighed the moment she read Vic's name with
the notification of one new text message.

V: Yo! Don't forget, I put your lil gift in your bag
of shit you lugged with you. Try not to forget to
give it to her.

With a loud huff, Maya started typing her reply. Enzo
joining her on the couch as she did so.

Maya : I won't, but thanks for letting me know
where you put it.

V: What even is it?

Maya: You'll find out soon enough, stop being so
damn nosey!

V: Well damn okay, but your ass better NOT be
proposing without consulting your Captain first.
That would be unforgivable.

Maya: Oh my god Vic , I wouldn't propose
without telling you? The fuck

V: Okay good. Run along, I'm sure you're about
to get a treat from your girl anyways, so ttyl
Mai, enjoy.

Maya : The fuck do you mean a treat?

When the Polish-American didn't reply for almost five minutes,
Maya figured she wasn't going to get any hints as to what
Carina had planned behind their bedroom door. Of
course, if she hadn't been exhausted from traveling, then
maybe she would've clued in as to why Travis and Vic
had even gotten the younger Italian what they had gotten
her for her birthday. Hell, the fact that she was prepping
whatever it was in the bedroom of all places should have
had Maya on the right track. But let her be the first to tell
you that traveling for God knows how long after training
for five weeks, would've had your ass exhausted too. So
shush, leave her alone.

Okay but yeah, the whole bedroom thing should've got her
to catch on.

After about twenty minutes of blank staring at the TV and
having a rather amusing conversation with Enzo about 'how
the fuck they came up with the idea that Pluto wasn't a
planet', Maya heard the younger girl call her name from
the bedroom.

"No, I know. I don't know where they'd get that idea ei-
She explains to the puppy, scratching

behind his ears as she did so, her words cutting off the
moment she heard the doctor's voice.

"Maya?" Carina called out rather innocently, completely
shielding the fact that whatever she had planned behind
that door was anything but that.

"Yeah?" Maya replied, giving the golden retriever one
last scratch behind his ears before standing up, switching
the television off in the process.

"I'm ready for you babe, come in when you're ready." Now
that, that caught the lieutenant's attention and almost
instantly made her realize what Carina meant when she
said surprise. A sexy surprise.

Without missing a beat, the older woman looked back to
the dog with a thumbs up, as if to say 'wish me luck pal'
and did her best not to run to the bedroom. She was
excited for whatever Carina had planned, but there was no
reason to let on just how eager she was. Was there? No, of
course not. So, with one deep breath, Maya walked to the
end of the hallway and pushed the door open, her eyes
widening when met with the young doctor's surprise.

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