Chapter Twenty-four

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A/N : You're welcome ☺️, happy reading and don't forget to vote my loves!❤️😌

Sam Lewis 💦

I looked away from Jordan, clearing my throat awkwardly. I must stop thinking like a  hormonal teenage girl. 

You're nineteen for teen's sake.

Ain't I supposed to have passed the bloom of puberty 12 months ago? Ugh.

   "Guys how about heading to the game center next street?"Samuel addressed everyone.

     "C'mon,did we just come out to go play games?"I said huffily.

No, listen, I loved video games but you see, we get to be playing those when we're at the hostel so I'm figuring as we've been permitted outside for once,we do something exciting and different for a change.

Like window-shopping? Heh.

Samuel threw his hands in the air,"my meat will definitely be your poison. And since we all can't have the same taste, let's just... stick to mine, yeah?"

Jude sighed.

"And what does that make us? Your puppets? The best suggestion will be to part ways. That way you can go wherever you wish without having to worry about everyone's taste."

"Sounds good to me."Jordan uttered, never leaving my hand.

How can I complain?

Chris nodded,"yeah, I'm planning on meeting up with Melanie so..."

    "Ouu, sorry again, which of us is still single?"Samuel snorted.

"Ah is she not the one coming?"Jude gestured with his eyes as we stood at the T-junction.

Immediately the boys started to hoot teasingly at Chris and do that silly wolf whistling.

I squinted, nudging Jordan lightly."Who's that?"

    "Oh, that's Melanie, Chris' woman."

My mouth formed into an O shape."I see."

    "She's getting close guys, let's behave ourselves."Samuel instructed, straightening his collar,"Sam close your mouth."

Oh really...🤭

"Please don't drool at my girl,"Chris begged.

I put my hands up in surrender.

We all fell silent, watching as Melanie cat walked her way towards us.

  "Samuel just stop checking her out and act like you haven't seen her coming."Chris facepalmed. "Like, take your phone and be swiping on it, something to make her not think we're staring at her please."

Jordan chuckled, nodding his head to some music he was listening to on his ash headset."Samuel really lacks at the vibes department."

Jude laughed, eyes fixed on his phone and scrolling nonstop.

Everyone was trying to look busy so instead of just fixing my gaze on the lady approaching, I bent to unlace my left shoe only to lace it back.

   At least I added variety.


"Hey,"Chris responded and from his voice,man was definitely smiling."Guys meet my girl, Melanie. Mel, my guys."

     "Nice to meet you,"she said coyly.

"Oh nice to meet you too, it's an honor!"Samuel beat us to it in an overly excited tone making me cringe.

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