1️⃣9️⃣ [ Let's Fight For Revenge ]

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Last Time~

Fang: He can't fight him alone. We should help.

Yaya: Yeah-

Diastro: Don't even think. DARK SOLID BARRIER!

Then an invisible force barrier formed in front of Boboiboy's friends trapping them

Dynamic: *gasp* Release them!

Diastro: And what will you do if I dont?

Dynamic: Grr... Y-You! *coughs*

Axel: No no no no no no! Get yourself together Aar! Release us Diastro!

Diastro: *ignores Axel*

Dynamic: Oh no it's coming back. I have to do something quick. *coughs and stands up* GIYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Diastro and Dynamic: *starts fighting*

Time Skip~ (Bleh~ Sorry not sorry)

Dynamic: *panting* I- *pants* Y-You are so strong *cough* *cough*

(Guess what is happening to Boboiboy / Dynamic?)

Diastro: You two kid. I see you have improved little girl, well but you can't defeat me. I still think it was a mistake that Alisa gave you her powers to you both!




Dynamic: *eyes widened and a flashback runs through*


Alisa: I believe in you Ra and Aar. 

Aaron: Thanks mom

Aora: Yeah we promise to control this power and save the Galaxy!

Alisa: *giggles and hugs both of them* I trust you two that you will! I love you both.

Aora and Aaron: We love you too mom! *hugs back*

End of Flashy~

Dynamic: I- *coughs* Oh no! Not now. I have to control it. *coughs* I w-won't lose to you!

Diastro: You are really stubborn. Let me end your sufferance *summons a scythe* Blood Scythe! *attacks Dynamic* 

Time Skip~ (Meh~)

Dynamic: *pants and sits down on the floor*

Diastro: Looks like you have reached your limit.

Dynamic: *changes back* *pants*

Boboiboy: Ugh! *exhausted*

Axel: *sweating* Oh no! You can do it Boboi! Get yourself together! You can't lose right now or we are doomed! Don't forget the promise!

Boboiboy: I-I won't!


(Also note that Boboiboy / Aaron is 16 years old in this flashback which means it happened 14 years ago on Astrorian Timeline and 7 years ago on Earth Timeline. Also, the time on Astroria is twice faster than on Earth.)

Alisa: Promise me Aaron you will protect the whole Galaxy with your dad

Aaron: I promise mom *smiles*

End of Flashy~

Boboiboy: I won't lose to you!

Diastro: Really?

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