8 | Questioning

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"'Hug it out'?" Isabela asked. "Luisa can't lift an empanada. Mariano's nose," She plucked out a rose on the vine and squeezed it. "Looks like a smashed papaya."

"Have you lost your mind?" Isabela exclaimed as she threw the rose to the ground.

It hasn't been a few minutes after the incident earlier, yet she seems like she has gotten over it already. But let me tell you this, that moment was just indescribable. My face was still a bit hot, but I'm quite sure that no one will notice me blushing.

I looked at Mirabel helplessly with a bit of anger. I mean, I just got pushed in Isabela's room all of a sudden and she locks me out. She noticed me looking at her and she had a look of disbelief on her face.

She diverted her attention back to her sister, who was still breathing heavily. "Isa, I feel like you're upset." Then, Mirabel started walking towards us. "Look at Luciana. She was probably shaken up because you're upset."

Oh, I was shaken up alright. I was shaken up by the fact that we were about to kiss earlier. What would Mamá say if she knew about that? What would my brother do about it?

That was probably just an accident. We've let the both of ourselves be swept up in the moment. Yes, that's the only reason there is to it. Besides, the Isabela Madrigal likes someone like me? I'd laugh if we were in a comedy act.

We're both women and we have to act like it, which means liking men and not the same gender. Or will it have to be like that? At least, it is how I see it being in the norm. Every woman in the village has a man as their significant other, so why should I be with Isabela?

I was cut off from my train of thought as I noticed a few flowers popped up on Isabela's head, which she quickly shook off when she turned towards me for a second. "And you know what cures being upset? A warm embrace." Mirabel continued and opened her arms wide, signalling Isabela to hug her.

Two vines crossed each other in front of Mirabel. "Get out." Isabela said and a flower popped towards Mirabel's mouth. I let out a nervous laugh as I stood up. "Come on, Mirabel." I said and tried to walk towwards the said girl, if not only for Isabela's vines around my waist. "No, you stay." She said, not even sparing a glance at me before standing up.

"Everything was perfect. Abuela was happy. The family was happy. You wanna be a better sister?" Isabela said as she was walking towards Mirabel. "Apologize for ruining my life." Mirabel looked a bit annoyed and hesitant at the same time. "Go on. Apologize."

"I... am... sorry." Mirabel forced out. "That your life is sooo great!" She added. "Out." Isabela said and her vines dragged her youngest sister towards her door. "Wait! Fine! I apologize!" Mirabel desperately said as she struggled in the vines' grasp.

I facepalm at her actions. “And we were so close, too.” I muttered, pertaining to the vision.

“I wasn't trying to ruin your life!” Mirabel tried to resist the vines as she stood up, only resulting to getting dragged down again. But that apparently didn't stop her ranting. "Some of us have bigger problems, you selfish, entitled princess!" She said as helplessly grasped on the flowers.

"Selfish?" Isabela exclaimed. ‘Oh, boy.’ I thought as I feel a headache coming in. “I've been stuck being perfect my whole entire life! And literally,” Isabela started walking towards her sister as the vines still continued to drag her towards the door and flowers started sprouting towards her face.

“The only thing you have ever done for me is mess things up!” Isabela was so close to literally screaming her lungs out as I tried to get away from her vines while she seemed overly occupied with Mirabel. “Nothing is messed up! You can still marry that big dumb hunk!” Mirabel replied and I stopped with what I was doing.

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