Lunck Break

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POV: 1st - Will
                               I had stared at her eat for a few moments before I interrupted, I had waited long enough to get an elaboration on her earlier statement, "What do you mean when you said you wouldn't fall my... strategy because you would have been scared either way?" She stopped midway through eating her nugget. Personally I wasn't a big fan of them, but the new found sensation of being able to eat again had made me crave all sorts of things. I suppose once again, I wasn't controlling my facial expressions because she gave me a rather smug stare.
                              She answered slowly while offering me a chicken nugget, whatever she was about to say was mildly embarrassing to her, "Well... As a kid, as I mentioned, I was deadly scared of clowns and people in costumes. I also was scared of strangers shortly after 6-ish. And don't even get me started on animatronics. So yeah..." I ate the nugget before responding, "So you think I couldn't have gotten you into a backroom ?" She smiled at me, patting my head like a child, "If you snatched me up you could, but my mom would have killed you in broad daylight. Quite literally."
                              I laughed a bit, that scenario would require me to have been sloppy enough to have grab her in the middle of the restaurant. I bet I could have figured out how to capture her no issue, but no use in thinking about a lost opportunity, "I would imagine. May I ask why your mother was always in jail?"
                              "Petty crime stuff. You know stealing," she said bluntly. You'd think she be at least a little embarrassed, but there was absolutely no shame in her eyes. But then again I'm not surprised, she is a complete and other weirdo. I still can not believe she owns a long pillow with a man on it and leaves it relatively out in the open. The more I know about her the more info I can use later I suppose, "I see..." I watched as a question formed in her head and she got excited as she stared at me.
                              "So what were your parents like, Will?"
                               "Hush. People are starting to stare," there was no way I was going to explain my childhood to her of all people. It's just not worth the information or possible trust that would come out of it, better to shut her down politely for now.
                                She picked up her phone and said a bit loudly, "Sorry I didn't catch that Will. My hands are free now so I can finally hear you clearly." She pretended she was on the phone, surprisingly clever for her. The people staring stopped.
                                I rolled my eyes at her and said softly so that only she would hear, "Cleaver... Could I have some more nuggets please." She pouted as she really wanted to hear what I had to say about my family, but I guess she got the hint this time.

POV: Narrator
                                The next class that she went to was relatively peaceful, nothing much really happened. Well especially considering that it was canceled early due to a death in the family. After a long walk home to the other side of campus. The two talked for a little bit before, the time came for the girl and her roommate to go to dinner. She abandoned the plush in the room as she had mentioned earlier and left the small man to think to himself.
                                Leaning back against the back of the desk, the bunny began to daydream slightly. Back to the "good old days" about when he still had power. Back when he had been able to choose whether or not he was wearing the suit. As much as he looked back to his years as a murderous robot with a smile, there were times when he missed the ability to stop and grab a coffee and not be perceived as anything strange. To be a wolf in sheep's clothing. But he also enjoyed his immortality and so he regretted nothing.

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