Bad Dream

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Monty grabbed me by my neck and pushed me against the wall of his room. He was angry, trying to kiss me and when I dodged it he became even angrier. I could barley breathe and was struggling to get out of his tight hold. He loosened a bit to lift up my shirt and look under. I screamed but he dropped my shirt and covered my mouth.

"One more sound and I kill you" he said while retracting his claws to flash them to me.  My heart was beating out of my chest. He lifted my shirt again but I finally managed to wiggle my way out and run. I left his room to see Sun, standing at 50 feet looking down at me laughing. The laughing kept getting louder and louder and I covered my ears, but I could still hear it. Laughing so loud it shook the room.

I woke up shaking, out of breath, and crying. I couldn't even sleep without getting flashbacks of what happened the day before. I was exhausted, but too scared to sleep. It was awful. I went to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water, trying to shake this awful feeling that I had. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and let Jay know I can't come in tomorrow either. I felt awful mentally and physically. I didn't even know if I would come back ever. I didn't know how to deal with this. 

(Jay's POV)

I was shocked at the security footage from the night before. I had never see Monty be that aggressive.  After I got Y/N's text I just got the worst feeling, I just knew I needed to check them. After Bonnie's success, I knew what I had to do. Monty is getting decommissioned, and Y/N is coming back. 

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