13 Going on 30

69 6 0

Jimin's pretty sure his 13th birthday is the worst day of his life and wishes to be 30 instead...then he wakes up actually 30.

Based on the movie

Warningsomegaverseomega jiminalpha taehyungomega seokjinalpha yoongialpha jungkookomega hoseokalpha namjoontime travel sortateen angstbody image issuesself confidence issuesminor bullying

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omega jimin
alpha taehyung
omega seokjin
alpha yoongi
alpha jungkook
omega hoseok
alpha namjoon
time travel sorta
teen angst
body image issues
self confidence issues
minor bullying

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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13 Going on 30 | vmWhere stories live. Discover now