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Sometimes, they say,

Life comes easy.


The fact that you're simply alive

Fills you with so much joy,

It's unexplainable.

But what about the other times,

When you know

You won't fall asleep,

Unless you cry yourself to sleep.

When you close your eyes,

Only to get bombarded

With images of a night

You just want to forget.

A night you need to forget.

When your thoughts are a prison,

You can never seem to escape.

When no matter what you do,

The demons that haunt you

Never go away.

When it's so loud in your head,

All you want to do is scream.

But you can't.

You're not allowed to.

When constantly,

All the time,

You're stuck

With the feeling of drowning in air.

When your thoughts suffocate you

To the point where you choke yourself

When your mind pushes you,

To the end you see...

How does one get through those days?

How is it possible

To make sure you never overstep

Cause you can never tell

Which step will lead you of the cliff

Fragments Of A Broken MindWhere stories live. Discover now