第3章 : Destroy

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??? , japan

1912 , taisho era


Clashes of metal echoed across the area.

It all happened so fast. You simply remembered being in your makeshift room to being in an open area filled with people you have never seen in your life. They were dressed like you, yet their style was different for you or your people. Everything seemed more modern, yet it still held the design you always see in the streets of Inazuma City.

You didn't have a chance to admire the sakura tree near them as a flash of white rammed itself to you, their katana raised in to attack. By your reflex, you quickly jumped out of the way — summoning your polearm to deflect the other attack made from a different person. From what you can see all of them stood in alert, hostility radiating off them like waves as they stared at you, weapons ready.

A grunt resonated from you as you kicked your two opponents by the shins before jumping back to the platform where a lone man stood, unfazed by your doing. It didn't bother you, but what bothered you is how recklessly these mortals threw themselves at you as if you weren't an archon.

Do they not have any value for their lives?

You tsked, feeling your chest rumble in anger.

"Is this how you treat your god, mortals?"

A look of confusion flashed through their eyes; it seems these mortals are ignorant as you've thought. Have they not heard of the consequences of going against an archon? Mundane as it was, you weren't going to let their actions tarnish the reputation of your land. Civilians or not, they weren't going to lay a hand on you.

As you were about to summon a crack of thunder, one of them spoke up as they glowered at you, their katana pointed in your direction.

"We do not worship a demon like you as a god!"

Your hand stopped its motion, a look of confusion flashed across your face.

'Did they really think of you as a yokai? You do not have the characteristics of a demon.'

As they were about to charge at you the man on the platform pressed a finger to his lips immediately halting their advances at you while you raised a brow in his direction, now taking your time to observe the seemingly blind man.

"Isn't the weather lovely today?" he asked, a soft smile gracing his features, "It would be a shame if we were to disturb it."

You let the polearm disappear from your hands as you stood there, seeing as how this man single-handedly commanded these people to settle down with just a single gesture, much similar to how you saw Shogun commanded silence with no more than her presence. But that didn't stop them from sending a hostile look in your way. If the Shogun were here, she would've struck lightning to everyone in this place without a second thought. But you, you had enough mercy to listen to their reason as to why they don't recognize you.

There was a pregnant silence in the air, the sound of the wind howled softly past your ears while your gaze flickered through the people in front of you. As you were now not being charged, you took your time staring at these people.

They all seem to be wearing the same attire but different styled haori's. Some of them were multi-coloured and some didn't seem to be wearing any. They all seem to have their own quirks from their attire alone, but the same kanji was written on the backs of their uniform ( as you saw earlier prior to fighting them off ).

滅 (Metsu) meaning to destroy.

Destroy what? Was it the demons these mortals thought you were? How absurd.

The yokai, such as demons, were in peace with humans as you've known in Inazuma. You even have a kitsune as your right-hand woman. Or a friend in the matter. Then there was this oni Kujou Sara seemed to have been troubling herself with despite her "keeping it under wraps".

It was what they considered a 'trend' to the light novels Miko tells you about these days. So you've heard.

"You seem to be new here I presume?"

Your head snapped back to the man not too far beside you on the platform, his head now turned to the direction you were in. His aura was nothing intimidating yet it was comforting like a sudden wave of a gentle caress passing by you reminding you so much of the times of your youth. This man has a calm demeanour and seems by no means wanting to threaten you, and you can feel the curiosity he radiates as he smiles at you.

You didn't realise that your body suddenly released its tensions most likely from the fight earlier, that and something else that made it easy for you to breathe. Perhaps you could give this man a benefit of a doubt from what's happening around you.

"You seem at loss yet you radiate a strong aura that pairs with Muzan, that or more. Are you a product of his creation?"

Muzan? You've never heard of such a name before, and so you voiced your thoughts.

The others seemed shocked from your revelation, they seemed to always be so used to hearing his name and his deeds and yet you being not one of his subordinates surprised them. Especially when you have not heard of the name in your life.

Everyone who wielded a nichirin blade or one who held such strength and knowledge that knew of the troubles of the Corps and demons should've been aware of this unstoppable war waging, so why didn't you?

And so, the man who introduced himself as Ubayashiki Kagaya began to tell the tale of Muzan Kibitsuji and how the Demon Slayer Corps came to be.


" If you can do one thing,
hone it to perfection.
Hone it to the utmost limit. "

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