CHAPTER 11. A Fun Beginning

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  It wasn't hard to get to school with a bag of clothes the next morning, when Kayla drove me, looking incredibly guilty.

She looked like she wanted to say something, but I gazed pointedly out the window. As she parked I grabbed the doorhandle. "Raven, they're going to talk to you today, I'm almost positive-"

"I don't care, I need to go, I'm going to be late," I climbed out and closed the door softly behind me. I did in fact care, but that didn't change the fact that I was still going on this trip.

Now I just wished I hadn't left that note in my room for them to find, because the thought of them reading it made me feel sick to my stomach with nervousness.

I waited until Kayla drove away until I went to the back of the school, where six large white buses were parked, students entering.

"Are you Raven Light?" A woman with a clipboard asked, and I nodded, holding my bags tightly.

"Yes ma'am," I told her.

She pointed to the third bus, seeming distracted. "You'll be in bus three, the teacher watching over you for the trip is Nicholas, okay?"

I nodded and shifted past people to make my way inside. The bus was already almost completely full, students silent. I heard a snicker and glanced to my left as I made my way inside.

Emma Phillips tried to trip me, but I dodged both her hand and foot, not wanting to deal with her today.

"Raven!" Faith called my name and waved, Shade sitting beside her. I smiled and waved back, but Shade ruined it as he wrinkled his nose.

"You look like shit," he told me, and I shrugged looking for a free seat near by my friends.

"Yeah, lack of sleep isn't looking good on me," I agreed and paused as I met green eyes. The vampire teacher gazed at me before looking away, to scold a student behind him, who cowered under his simple words.

Seeing no other seats, but the one beside Emma and the teacher, I walked over and raised my foot, to step over Nicholas's lap to get into the seat by the window.

Not paying any attention to the thigh I had pushed into his face, I sat down and got cozy. I leaned against the window and closed my eyes, yawning as the bus began moving.

I dozed off, knowing I had plenty of time to sleep, since the ride was going to be eight hours. I woke up to the girls in front of me giggling, and slowly opened my eyes.

I blinked and wiped my mouth, slowly looking out the window. I gasped and turned over so my knees were facing the window, lifting myself up slightly to see the pretty view of a meadow.

"Raven, sit down correctly," a stern voice told me suddenly. I looked over my shoulder, frowning in disappointment before I realized I had put my butt in the air, right next to his face.

Nicholas looked forward, hand above his nose slightly, in exasperation. I obeyed, still too tired and sleepy to really feel embarrassed.

As I sat correctly I considered how nice of an ass I had, which I should be grateful for. Not many girls-

"Raven, you're speaking out loud," the teacher told me, voice tired from dealing with kids all day.

Now I did blush and look around, happy when everyone was preoccupied with toys and food.

"Oh, sorry sir," I looked at the vampire. "How much longer do we have to go?" I asked sweetly.

Nicholas gazed at me. "Two hours," there was a bit of disdain his voice, and I soon realized why.

Emma Phillips was trying to burp the alphabet, Faith and Shade were arguing about how important it was to be thick,

The girls in the back were playing loud pop music, the guys were being nasty and shouting, and the ones in the way front were playing movies without ear buds or headphones.

Now imagine hearing all that, with vampire hearing. I looked at him with wide eyes. "Does this mean I can't play music?"

Nicholas stood and clapped his hands loudly, drawing everyone's attention. "Alright, everything off, now,"

Out of fear, it soon went deathly silent. "Now we'll all be bored," I piped up, the only one being used to both the supernatural and vampires.

Nicholas looked at me with dark green eyes. "Alright, driver, play the kind of music you like." I pouted and hunched in my seat as the teacher sat back down, fully expecting classic music or some other trash.

I perked up as 'My type' suddenly blasted into the bus, making some girl whoop loudly. Nicholas covered his eyes with a hand, looking utterly horrified.

Turns out, the bus driver had amazing taste, and I was determined to meet the person when the fun ride ended.

I tapped my foot to the beat, dancing the best one could in a seat, and I thought I did a pretty good job.

"Alright, turn it off," the vampire snapped as 'Up' started playing.

I huffed and glanced at the teacher. "Party pooper," I whined.

His lips rose and I was startled at the smile on his face before he turned and stared blankly in front of him.

I nibbled on my lip and looked out the window, happy to look at the new scenery. I leaned on the cold glass and let a low sigh leave me, eyes drooping closed as I fell asleep again.

When I woke up next, we had arrived, and I stood eagerly, wanting out of the bus. I couldn't however, because Nicholas took his time, making sure the students got out and didn't leave anything behind.

"You're awesome," I told the old woman who drove the bus, who had a nose ring. She giggled as I didn't bother using the steps, and instead jumped out of the bus.

"Single file line, we're going up to the hotel, slowly," Nicholas said firmly, and everyone shuffled forward, tired from the long ride.

Except me of course, for some reason, I was full of energy. I jumped on rocks, climbed over logs, and chased squirrels as we walked through the forest.

"Stay with the group," the teacher barked when I strayed off the path, the only one who wasn't in the perfect line.

I sighed and half heartedly obeyed, trailing a good distance behind the line of students. I looked up and gasped in delight as snow began falling. I reached up, catching a snowflake in my hand.

"Raven, are you trying to get in trouble, or are you so absent minded you can't listen to simple orders?" I looked up startled, the teacher frowning at me.

I smiled at the vampire. "Usually the second one, but I certainly have my days."

He shook his head and sighed. "Go, I want you in front of me, something tells me I'm going to have to keep both eyes on you." There was something in his gaze, but I didn't think to ask any questions, and instead went far ahead of the group, determined to see everything I could before I was cramped inside.

As I bent down to touch a cold stream under a bridge, Nicholas grabbed my wrist and pulled me up sharply. "Raven Light, do I need to get you a leash?" He asked with narrowed eyes.

I looked away and pressed my lips together. "Probably," I admitted, and I don't think the vampire teacher liked that much, because he had a hand on my shoulder the rest of the way up.

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