Sign 2 The Small Discovery

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Skyler packed Edgar's old clothes into his bag and a kept little slide in his pocket. He got out of his room and ran down the stairs, "I'm going to meet Cyril,"

"Have a good time," His mother yelled from the kitchen. He opened the door and two police offers stood before him,

"Good evening," They greeted him.
He bowed his head gently.
"We have the permission to check your house," One of them said as they brought a paper in front of his face, "Please cooperate,"
Skyler looked at the paper blankly and held the door tighter. "Skyler, who is it dear?"His mom came towards the door. He smiled and opened the door further, moving away from them, "Sure,"

"Oh no, you still think Skyler killed that white boy? They were friends, officers!" His mother defended him, "My son would never-"
"It's okay, mom. Let them be satisfied, they are only doing their job,"
They walked in and began searching the house. Skyler stood at the door, waiting for them to be done when one of the officers looked at the basement door. He pulled it but it was locked, "Where's the key?"

"Oh yeah, I'll get it,"
Skyler held the tips of his shirt tightly and looked at the door. His mother soon got the key and the officers opened it. They walked inside and tried switching on the bulbs but none of them seemed to work. So, they took a torch and walked down the stairs into the basement, "Ugh! It stinks!"

Skyler held his breath and slowly released it. He cleared his throat, "It's probably from my laboratory,"
"I have a laboratory right in the room beside the basement, it opens in the garage. I do all my sea experiments there, I have some rotting fish laying in a tub for experimentation. It's probably from there,"

"Could we have a look at it?"
He smiled, "Of course,"
He opened the door to the laboratory and it was stinking even worse there. He opened the lid of a wooden tub and the officers looked at the rotting fish, half-eaten by some blue bacteria on its surface "UGH! PUT IT AWAY!"
"GROSS! I'm going back upstairs or I'll throw up,"

They both went back up and closed the basement door. Skyler closed the tub back again and looked at the microscopic screen being projected on the wall, showing a closeup of the bacteria eating up the fish,

"No one can ever find you," He smiled and the bacteria broke down another protein bond.

. . .

Cyril stood under the Sycamore tree, looking at the beach before him and a falling forest behind him. Tristian followed his way home and panted as he stopped beside him, "Yo, why did you do that? That guy was bleeding balls, mate!"
"...I didn't hit him in his testicles though?"
"Just a phrase, dumbass," Tristian stood beside him. 

Cyril turned back and began walking on the road, "Don't call me dumb," He stepped on his shoe lace and fell flat on his face. 
"Can I call you dumb now?"
Tristian laughed while Cyril tied his lace. Tristian looked down at him and suddenly Cyril looked up, when their eyes met, Tristian smiled. Cyril looked down at his knees, looking into something more than just red skin, she lied to him to spend time with Glizzly? What did that brown-eyed boy have that he didn't.

"Did you hit yourself badly?" Tristian asked.
"Am I boring to be with?" Cyril accidentally said out loud but now that he did, he waited for Tristian's answer. He dare not look at his face back again though, because then he'd be able to tell that he's lying when he tells him that he is not boring. Because he knew he was. His life was nothing but surfboarding, and even that was a forced pleasure upon him.

Tristian didn't answer, probably he didn't hear it, and Cyril pretended he didn't say anything at all, "Forget I asked that-"
"You're pretty boring to be around with, yeah,"

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