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alora and rebekah's, 1903
the confession

3rd pov

rebekah and alora had just walked into the house that they both shared. "well that party was fun" alora spoke as she put her purse down on the kitchen table.

"your just saying that because you got to drink everyone dry" rebekah retorted as she sat down at the table. "at least it was good" stated alora smiling innocently going towards the alcohol cabinet and grabbing a bottle of bourbon.

"do you want some rebekah?" alora asked with a tone of voice that wanted to make rebekah melt. "no i'm fine, but thank you for asking." rebekah answers.

"okay" alora says as she begins to pour her drink. "can i tell you something?" rebekah asks slightly nervous. "sure bekah, you know you can tell me anything." alora answers.

"promise you won't judge me for it." "promise."

" ikindamaybesortalikeyou" rebekah says really fast. "what was that i couldn't hear you?" alora asked. "i said that i kinda maybe sorta like you." rebekah said whispering knowing that alora could hear her.

once alora heard what rebekah said it was like the world stoped. she could feel her face becoming red as she felt as if her heart was beating faster than the speed of light.

when rebekah didn't hear an answer back she began to worry and stated to overthink everything. 'maybe i could just compel her to forget what i just said, never mind she's on vervain' she thought,

"you what?" alora ask in astonishment. "i like you. like not as a friend." rebekah answer.

once rebekah said those words alora felt as if her feet were on auto pilot and before she new it, her lips were just centimeters away from rebekah's. "can i kiss you" rebekah questioned. alora answered her question by leaning in to kiss her.

they pulled away, foreheads touching. alora opened her eyes and smiled. after a while of alora admiring rebekah, rebekah finally opened her eyes and saw that smile that she loved so much.

"enjoying the view darling?" rebekah asked smiling. "of course. i could stare at you for hours on end and never get bored."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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