Kurt Wagner.

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Her life was dull now that she wasn't attending high school. 

She'd never been interested in her education to begin with, so they erased C.C. Stark. The girl made it very clear that she did not want another fake identity to replace the one she'd lost. 

Tony moved her back to the compound, he wasn't as headstrong as before on the idea that kids like her needed a life, in the end, it had resulted in heartbreak, and the man felt that was somehow his fault.

In Cat's mind, no one but herself had the blame. Wanting a life any different than the one Fury had planned had been naive, it appeared to be the trait she could not get rid of. To make up for her immature ways, Copycat got the old files from S.H.I.E.L.D and downloaded them to a pen drive. She'd decided to keep track of everything and everyone. Next time she would handle things her way.

Nat had taken the lead of the remaining Avengers, which didn't include Pietro. The young man was devastated after losing his twin sister and wanted nothing to do with his old life, with the exception of Cat. The girl, on the other hand, was certain there was nothing else in life than becoming a proper Avenger.

Her identity remained hidden from the public eye, she was a minor and had no permission to be fighting out there, but she did it in spite of it. She patrolled almost every night. Clint had killed all the big fishes in the city before she could even consider it, and the smallish criminals weren't as active as before. 

One evening, disappointed about not having found a single thing to punch, she went back to the compound and ran into Rocket, who kicked the fridge's door to close it since he had three huge containers piled in his arms. 

"You ran out of cheese."

"You're lactose intolerant," She frowned. "I thought you and Nebula were leaving today, that's what she said last week?"

He laughed. "I've been collecting stuff, though it's all garbage, your planet has one of the worst—"

"Where's Nebula?"

Rocket shrugged. "Left."

"With your ship?" Cat raised a brow.

"Ya think I'm an idiot?" He scoffed. "Danvers gave her one."

"I don't understand," She insisted. "If she's gone, then why are you still here?"

"You ask too many questions. Are you ready for our movie night or not?"

Her eyes softened and a small smile formed on her lips. "Did you stay to hang out with me?"

"Don't be stupid," He spat. "I'm the only Guardian left, that's it. I need to hire new crewmembers before I start over..."

Rocket had lost all of his friends, she could not imagine what that was doing to him... well, perhaps she could, but she tried not to think about that. 

Cat grabbed the food container at the top of his pile. 


"I'm helping you," she scowled. "C'mon, I gotta wake up early tomorrow."

Their friendship bloomed unexpectedly, the raccoon had helped her a great deal. He had a rough way of expressing himself that she found soothing, for some reason. Perhaps because she was the same.

"Spit it out," He rasped, Cat had been glimpsing at him for almost an hour.

"Are you crying?"

"It's a good movie," Rocket mumbled, drying his eyes with a used napkin. 

"What can possibly trigger you about Brother bear?" She tried to hide her mirth but failed remarkably.

"Shut up!" He threw popcorn at her. "Why aren't you crying? It's a good movie!"

Copycat: Origins (Marvel Fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now